Vicon Valkyrie status lights and TFT LCD display
The following topics describe the status lights, which provide feedback on camera operation, and the Valkyrie TFT LCD (thin film transistor liquid crystal display) on the front of the camera, which provides more detailed information about the current status of the camera.
Valkyrie status lights
Three tri-color LEDS provide feedback on camera operation. One pair is situated on either side of the camera, and the third is situated towards the bottom on the front. All three LEDs operate simultaneously, and display the same color at the same time. These status LEDs can be deactivated through the Vicon application software.
In certain camera modes and in certain system configurations, the status LEDs on the camera are automatically turned off to ensure maximum power is available to the strobe.
While the camera is booting, the Valkyrie display shows the Valkyrie logo (unless a connected application causes it to display something else) and the status LED color changes from gold to blue when it connects to the Vicon application software. (If no Vicon application software is currently running, it remains gold.)
When the camera is communicating with Vicon application software, the status LEDs turn blue and the Valkyrie display shows the camera number.
If the camera is communicating with the Vicon application software, but the software is incompatible, the status LEDs turn blue, but the Valkyrie display continues to show the Valkyrie logo.
While the camera firmware is updating, the status LEDs turn green. After rebooting, they return to blue, as normal.
After the camera has booted, you can view its status by observing the status LEDs and the Valkyrie display), and also by monitoring the camera in the Vicon application software. For information on the significance of the status LEDs' colors in combination with the symbols on the Valkyrie display, see Valkyrie camera display.
Valkyrie camera display
The Valkyrie display comprises 320 x 240 pixels (x 18-bit RGB), which, combined with the LED color, gives information about the current camera status.
As shown in the following table, when the camera has booted, and unless the display has been deactivated in the Vicon application software, the display shows the camera number. Other common display states are also shown.
Display | Description | Camera status |
Valkyrie logo | Booting |
Camera number | Booted |
Camera number and deactivated icon | Inactive |
Camera number and start calibration progress bar (visible on the left) |
Calibration started |
Camera number and progress bar |
Calibration in progress |
Camera number and complete progress bar |
Calibration complete |
Display turned off in Vicon application software | NA |
Additional information is available when you view the camera display in combination with the color of the status LEDs. (Note that the status LED colors listed below are subject to change.)
Display | Status LED color | Status |
Gold |
Booting, not yet connected |
Blue | Enabled (default) |
Red | Not contributing |
Red (flashing) | Hardware fault/firmware issue |
Blue (flashing) | Bumped |
Off | Deactivated |
Magenta | Selected |
Off | Calibration (Wand count == 0) (The start calibration progress bar indicates that calibration has started.) |
Magenta (flashing, period decreases with wand count) | Calibration (0 < Wand count < Required calibration frames) The progress bar indicates the fraction of the required calibration frames that have been received from this camera. |
Green | Calibration (Wand count >= Required calibration frames) |
Cyan | Automasking |
Off | Status LEDs turned off |
The order of priority is from top of the above table (lowest) to bottom (highest), so that the LEDs for a camera that is both bumped and selected are magenta.
Unless accelerometry is switched off in the Vicon application software, the image on the display rotates based on the orientation of the camera. (However, note that the Valkyrie logo does not rotate to 90° when the camera is rotated.)