Vicon Valkyrie accessories

Vicon Valkyrie accessories

Vicon Valkyrie accessories are motion capture consumables that you will use and replace as required.

The following table lists the accessories available for Vicon Valkyrie systems.

Accessory Description
Tape: Marker-fixing tape

Secures markers directly to a subject's skin. This double-sided tape is specially designed to adhere well to human skin without causing an allergic reaction. It can be used only once.

If the skin becomes very wet with sweat, the tape does not perform well. Under these circumstances, we recommend the use of medical grade elastic strips.

Tape: Micropore tape Temporarily secures smaller markers to fingers. Some studios cut a small hole in a strip to poke the marker through, then wrap the remainder of the tape around a finger.
Vicon retroreflective markers in various sizes, such as: 3.0 mm, 4.0 mm, 6.4 mm, 9.5 mm, 14 mm, 19.0 mm, and 25.4 mm (for details and availability, see Accessories on the Vicon website).

Smaller markers are typically used for facial, finger, or small object/prop capture.
Larger markers are typically used for general body or object/prop capture.
Additional marker sizes may be available.

For cleaning instructions, see How to clean pearl markers and How to clean taped markers.

Vicon motion capture suits* Motion capture suits (Unisex in 4 sizes; Female in 3 sizes), including hat, gloves, and booties

* Not applicable where your Valkyrie system is for medical usage.

The number and type of accessories supplied depend on the Vicon application that you have ordered.

For details of the type and number of items supplied with your Vicon Valkyrie system, see the bill of materials accompanying your product shipment. If any items are missing on receipt, or if you require additional accessories later, please contact Vicon or your nearest agent or distributor.

How to clean pearl markers

The following instructions apply to cleaning pearl markers:

  1. Place the markers in a mild solution of hand soap and water and gently shake them. 
  2. Rinse them in clean plain water.
  3. Let the markers dry. 

Do not rub them, as this will reduce their retro-reflectivity by removing the coating from the surface. 

As far as possible, avoid handling the markers with bare hands to reduce contamination from skin oils.

How to clean taped markers

The following instructions apply to cleaning taped markers:

  1. Make up a mild solution of hand soap and water.
  2. Using a soft cloth, gently clean each marker with the soap solution.
  3. Rinse the markers with water to remove the soap solution.
  4. Let the markers dry.

Do not rub them, as this will reduce their retro-reflectivity by removing the coating from the surface. 

As far as possible, avoid handling the markers with bare hands to reduce contamination from skin oils.

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