V5 camera specifications

V5 camera specifications

The following table provides technical specifications and performance indicators for the V5 camera. Superscripted numbers indicate additional information provided in the V5 specification table notes.

Component Specification
Maximum frame rate (fps) at full resolution 420 1
Maximum frame rate (fps) at partial scan 2,000 1
Frame rates (fps) 30–2,000
Sensor type CMOS
Sensor resolution (pixels) 2432H x 2048V
Number of pixels 4,980,736
Pixel size 4.5microns x 4.5microns
Physical sensor size (mm) 10.94mm (H) x 9.22mm (V), 14.31mm (Diagonal)
Optical format 2/3" and 1"
Shutter type Global shutter 2
Aspect ratio 1:1

On camera processing:

256 shades and grayscale processing Yes 3
Grayscale depth 8-bit
Sub pixel resolution 1,048,576 x 1,048,576 (1/256 pixel resolution)
On-board processors 3 processors
On-camera masking Yes4
In-camera dynamic large blob eliminator Yes 5
Software masking Yes
Auto masking Yes
On-camera thresholding Yes
Threshold grid size (tiles) 152 x 128
Threshold grid tile dimensions (pixels) 16 x 16
Camera output modes 5 6
Full frame preview output Yes7


Types available 850 nm (Infrared (IR))
Number of LEDs 22
Cover type available Secondary optics (standard factory fit)
Strobe electronics Integrated, software reprogrammable and controlled
Adjustable illumination Yes
Adjustable levels 1,000 (software controlled)
View angle (Set by secondary optics) 56° or 70°
Camera housing Complex mold custom die-cast aluminum
Camera body dimensions 166.2mm (H) x 125mm (W) x 134.1mm (D)
Weight (including strobe, excluding lens) 1.6kg
Number of mount points 2
Camera mount fixing bracket Optional

Camera architecture:

Software and firmware upgradable Yes
Upgrade methods Through the Vicon application software. Firmware files can be placed on the Vicon Vantage host PC using any standard transmission method (e.g. FTP, e-mail, CD, USB stick). The files are then uploaded from the Vicon Vantage host PC to the Vantage system hardware through the Reprogram Firmware option in the software.
Connector A single RJ-45 connector to the PoE+ switch.
Cabling Cat5e (Gigabit Ethernet with power and sync over Ethernet)
Power supply 48V, 24 Watts max
Conforms to IEEE 802.3at-2009 (25.5W) standard.
Maximum number of cameras supported per PoE+ switch Switch-dependent (see Understand when additional PoE+ switches are required)
Lens type supported Ricoh Pentax 12.5mm and 8.5mm focal length.
Plug and play compatibility Yes
Mixed camera system compatibility Interoperable with all Vero, Vue, Bonita Optical and Video and all MXT-Series cameras
System connectivity/ communication Gigabit Ethernet
Communication status indicators Yes
Camera number indicator / information display Yes
Camera status indicators On camera and strobe unit and in software
Knock detection indicator Yes
Tap for Select notification Yes
IP addressable Yes
IP reconfigurable Yes
Cooling Advanced thermal design
Operating temperature:
Maximum temperature 35°C 8
Minimum temperature -5°C 8
Environmental regulations:
RoHS compliant Yes

V5 specification table notes

  1. Increased frame rates: Selecting a frame rate greater than full resolution automatically reduces image size by windowing. This keeps the pixel rate the same by transmitting a greater number of smaller images per second. You specify the capture frame rate of the Vantage cameras in the Vicon application software. Vantage cameras are capable of capturing up to a maximum of 2,000 fps, but the actual frame rate you can specify depends on the Vicon application software you are using. For details, see your Vicon software documentation. Above 420 fps the amount of light emitted per frame is linearly reduced. The light emitted per frame at 840 fps is half that output per frame at 420 fps. (The total strobed light output remains the same).
    With Vantage+ firmware, instead of (or in addition to) windowing, you can use high-speed mode, which uses subsampling to increase the frame rate without reducing the field of view, but with some reduction in resolution. For details, see High-speed mode and your Vicon software documentation.
  2. Shuttering: The global shutter overcomes the negative effects of using rolling shutters for motion capture.
  3. Full marker grayscale: Marker centers are calculated based on every pixel of grayscale available for the marker, not just the detected marker edges. An on-camera circularity test ensures merged or partially occluded markers which need high-level processing are sent in full grayscale to the Vicon Vantage host PC.
  4. On-camera masking: This removes areas of the sensor where undesirable static light sources are recorded, for example strobes from other cameras.
  5. Blob elimination: Camera firmware automatically removes undesirable image data including both large blobs (e.g. sunlight reflections) and/or an unusually large number of blobs.
  6. Output modes: Automatic (centers for circular markers, grayscale for overlapping/partially occluded markers), Centers Only, Grayscale Only, Centers/Grayscale, and Preview (the entire sensor image).
  7. Preview mode: The full image is lightly filtered, decimated and transmitted to the Vantage host at 30 fps. This reduces the quantity of preview video data to a level that can be transmitted over Gigabit Ethernet to the Vicon Vantage host PC. Only one camera at a time is allowed to be sent in Preview mode as it requires most of the system bandwidth to transmit this one signal.
  8. Operating temperature: While Vicon cameras may operate outside the given limits, these are the temperatures to which Vicon has tested the cameras. If the cameras are operated outside of these limits, image quality may be degraded, the external surface temperatures may exceed the relevant safety limits, and any failures are not covered under warranty.

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