Working with object properties

Working with object properties

In the Resources pane, when you click on an object on the Objects tab, you can configure the following setting in the Properties pane.

Setting Description

The name of the selected object. This name is used when the Vicon Skeleton is saved in a .vsk file.

To change the name, do any of the following:

  • In the Name box in the Properties pane, select the current name and enter a new one; or
  • Click the button next to the Name box to display the Name dialog box, select the existing object name and enter a new one; or
  • On the Objects tab, double-click the current name and enter a new one.
Color The color of the selected object.
Global Position The global position of the selected object.
Global Rotation

The global rotation of the selected object. To choose the rotation order, click the Rotation Order button .

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