Preferences parameters
In the User Preferencesin the Preferences dialog box (Settings menu > Preferences), you can view and/or change the following settings.
Folders section
Option | Description |
Calibration Objects | Specifies where Evoke and other Vicon software saves all custom calibration objects. This does not include the standard calibration wand objects, which can be found in: C:\Program Files\Vicon\Evoke1.#\CalibrationObjects Files in this folder are VSKs. Default location: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\CalibrationObjects |
Objects |
Specifies where Evoke saves all exported objects from the Tracking panel. Files in this folder are VSKs. |
Prop Meshes |
Specifies the folder Evoke opens when loading a prop mesh. Files in this folder are FBXs. |
Scene Meshes | Specifies where scene meshes (FBX files) are located. Default location: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\SceneMeshes |
Retargets | Specifies where retargets (VSR files) are located. Default location: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Retargets |
Skins | Specifies where skins (FBX files) are located. Default location: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Skins |
Smart Object Templates |
Specifies where smart object templates are located. |
General section
Option | Description |
Show application exit confirmation dialog |
Display a confirmation dialog box before allowing you to exit the application. Default: Selected |
Alt key to select in views | When selected, holding down the Alt key enables you to:
Middle mouse button scrub in 2D & 3D views | When selected, holding the middle mouse button and dragging left or right enables you to scrub backward and forward through review data. Default: Selected |
Middle mouse button scrub sensitivity | Controls the sensitivity of the cursor when used for scrubbing with the middle mouse button. Default: 5 |
Mouse wheel jog in 2D & 3D views | Controls whether to use the mouse wheel to progress (forward or backward) through frames in review mode. Default: Selected |
Mouse wheel jog in frames |
Sets the sensitivity to the movement of the mouse wheel when you use it to progress (forward or backward) through frames in review data. Default: 5 |
Enable auto-save | When selected, enables the system to automatically save certain configuration files. For details, see Vicon Evoke fundamentals. Default: Selected |
Ask before recovery of latest settings | When selected, if Evoke is started from an unexpected shutdown, you are prompted to choose which settings to use. For details, see Vicon Evoke fundamentals. Default: Selected |
Auto-save interval | Controls the interval (in seconds) in which Evoke auto-saves its configuration files. Changing this setting has no effect if Enable auto-save is cleared. Default: 60 seconds |
Start playing automatically in review mode | When selected, captures loaded in Review mode begin immediately upon loading. Default: Cleared |
Warn if free space on optical data capture drive is low | When selected, Evoke warns you when your current drive is below its Optical free space warning threshold (see below). Default: Selected |
Optical free space warning threshold | Controls when (in GB) the free space warning is issued. If the Warn option (see above) is cleared, changing this setting has no effect. Default: 10 GB |
Warn if free space on any video capture drive is low | When selected, Evoke warns you when any video capture drive is below its Video free space warning threshold (see below). Default: Selected |
Video free space warning threshold | Controls when (in GB) the free space warning is issued for any video capture drive. If the Warn option (see above) is cleared, changing this setting has no effect. Default: 50 GB |
Warn if video cameras are enabled but video capture is disabled |
When selected, a warning is displayed in the Capture panel if video cameras are enabled but video capture is turned off. Default: Selected |
System Health section
Option | Description |
Show Bump Notifications Per Camera |
When selected, Evoke displays a notification (red icon) for each bumped camera in the System panel and Cameras view. Default: Cleared |
Update Notificationssection
For features in this section to work, you must be connected to the Internet. If you're connected to the Internet, the version numbers automatically update; if you are offline, these version numbers may not be up-to-date.
Option | Description |
Show notification for application version 1.#.#.######h |
When selected, Evoke notifies you if an updated version of Evoke is available. Default: Selected |
Show notification for firmware version ### | When selected, Evoke notifies you if your firmware is out-of-date. Default: Selected |
Objects section
Option | Description |
Automatically manage smart object patterns | When selected, a unique pattern is automatically assigned to each smart object, where possible. If you are tracking multiple identical objects, clear this option (for details, see Track multiple identical objects). Default: Selected |
Enable object evaluation | When selected, the system performs object evaluations in the background. For more information. see Understand object evaluation in the Vicon Evoke User Guide. Default: Selected |
Object evaluation step limit |
Maximum number of steps to allow for evaluating each object pair. Increasing this value provides more certainty that object similarities do not exist but results in decreased performance. |
Object evaluation warning threshold (mm) |
Threshold for differences between objects (in mm). This warning indicates the object either closely matches another object or another view of itself (see Understand object evaluation). |
Connections section
Option | Description |
Control server alias |
Alias to use in the Vicon Control app server list. If it remains blank, the host PC name is used. Default: Blank |
Channel Cache section
Option | Description |
Cache Memory Limit (MB) |
Sets the limit for the amount of channel data saved to memory before it is written to disk. |
Graph Plots section
Option | Description |
Trace colors |
Controls the number of unique colors to be used for traces. You can choose between 9, 12, and 22 colors. The lower number of colors may assist those with limited color vision. |
Enable rotation unwrapping |
When selected, angles are unwrapped when they exceed the typical (-π, π) radians range (see Graph Plots reference in the Vicon Evoke User Guide). |
Show pan/scale overlay graphics |
When selected, graphics (such as the dead zone) for zoom/pan/scale will appear in the window (see Change the scale of graphed data in the Vicon Evoke User Guide). |
System Health Report section
Option | Description |
Latency Graph Upper Bound |
Controls the upper bound of the latency graph range (in milliseconds). We recommend that you set this to the expected average latency x 2 or 3. |