Live - Work with panels
The Shogun Live window is fully customizable, enabling you to change the position of the panels and to hide and re-display panels as required by your workflow.
Change the position of panels
In Shogun Live, you can position the panels to suit your way of working.
To move panels, drag them by their title bars and drop them into place using the guides that overlay the main window:
If you prefer, instead of docking the panels as described above, you can leave panels floating in an independent window.
Hide and display panels
In addition to changing the position of panels (see Change the position of panels), you can also hide some panels, to give you more space in which to work.
To hide/redisplay a panel:
On the title bar of a docked panel, click the Pin button.
The panel is hidden as a vertical tab along the edge of the main window.
If you hide multiple panels, they are tabbed vertically along the edge of the main window.
To re-display a pinned tab:
- Select the required tab on the edge of the main window.
The panel is displayed in a floating window. - To dock it again, select its Pin button. Loading
Expand and collapse panel sections
Within each panel, you can expand and collapse sections, to make it easier to access the controls you want to use.
Action | Mouse |
Expand section |
Click the upward-pointing arrow |
Collapse section |
Click the downward-pointing arrow |
To help you find the controls, you can show and hide advanced settings
, and where applicable, you can set the values to their defaults .
View feedback in the System panel
The System panel provides helpful feedback, which is especially useful for large systems.
For more information about the status of your system components, hover the mouse pointer over the relevant icon.
Search for properties in the Processing panel
The Processing panel provides a search facility and other controls that determine the visibility of the component properties.
To find a particular property:
Display the Advanced properties
and enter the first few letters of the property you want to find.