In addition to using the report templates that are supplied with Nexus Insight (see About the standard Nexus Insight report templates), you can create your own report templates.
To create a template that contains specific colors and/or line widths, you must create the template in Nexus Insight 1.1 or later.
Templates created in versions of Nexus Insight earlier than 1.1 do not contain information about colors or line widths. If you edit a report to replace a more recent template with a template earlier than 1.1, the current template’s color and line width information is retained.
Maintain and restore the standard templates
When you install the latest version of Nexus Insight, the standard templates (JSON files) are installed if no templates of the same name are found in the following default location. Any templates named template-cutting.json, template-gait.json or template-hitting.json in this location are not replaced:
To act as a backup for the standard templates, they are also installed in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Vicon\NexusInsight\DefaultTemplates
If you modify the templates in the first location, you can always retrieve the original, un-modified templates from the second location if necessary.
Rename and preserve templates
If you want to use the latest version of one of the default templates (Gait, Cutting or Hitting template) for a new report and have made changes to the template in the Templates folder, you will need to copy the template from the DefaultTemplates folder. Before you do this, to preserve any changes you have made to the template in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\NexusInsight\Templates, rename the file in Windows File Explorer then open it in your text editor and give it a unique ID and label (for information on how to change the ID and label, see Edit a Nexus Insight template JSON file).
You can then copy the required template(s) into the above folder from
C:\Program Files\Vicon\NexusInsight\DefaultTemplates.