About the standard Nexus Insight report templates
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  • About the standard Nexus Insight report templates

    As described in Create a Nexus Insight report, when you create a report, you can select from the standard report templates that are supplied with Nexus Insight (as well as any additional report templates that you’ve created). The following topics describe the standard report templates.

    For information on the No template (single trial only) option, see View all graphs for a trial.

    To find out about default locations and backups for the standard templates, see Maintain and restore the standard templates.

    If you want to use the most up-to-date default templates (JSON files) when you install the latest version of Nexus Insight, overwrite the templates in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\NexusInsight\Templates (or anywhere else you’ve stored them) with the latest templates, which are stored in the backup folder:
    C:\Program Files\Vicon\NexusInsight\DefaultTemplates)

    Gait template

    Use the gait template for gait analysis.

    This template works with the Plug-in Gait full body model and also with just Plug-in Gait lower body data.

    The template includes the following graphs:

    • Kinematics (pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, foot progression)

    • Moments (hip, knee, ankle)

    • Powers (hip, knee, ankle)

    • Forces (left, right)

    • EMG (quadriceps, hamstrings)

    For all graphs, the X-axis is normalized to gait cycle.

    Cutting template

    Use the cutting template to analyze cutting movement, such as that of a football player.

    This template works with the Plug-in Gait full body model and also with just Plug-in Gait lower body data.

    This template includes the following graphs:

    • Kinematics (pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, foot progression)

    • Moments (hip, knee, ankle)

    • Powers (hip, knee, ankle)

    For all graphs, the X-axis is normalized to gait cycle.

    Hitting template

    Use the hitting template to analyze the swinging movement of a baseball player.

    This template works with either the Plug-in Gait full body model or the University of Southampton Upper Limb Kinematic Model with Plug-in Gait lower body data.

    This template includes the following graphs:

    • Kinematics (head and neck, thorax, spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, trunk, pelvis, hip, knee, ankle)

    • Moments (neck, waist, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle)

    • Powers (neck, waist, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle)

    • Forces (left, right)

    • Trajectories (bat)

    For all graphs, the X-axis is time-based.

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