Prepare your data in Nexus
Before you begin creating Nexus Insight reports, make sure that the data you have prepared in Nexus meets the following requirements.
Check that model outputs are present
Make sure you have run the pipeline for the required model to generate the model outputs. For example, if you are using Plug-In Gait, ensure that you have run the Plug-In Gait Dynamic pipeline.
Ensure events are correctly displayed on the time bar
Check that Events (eg, gait events) are displayed correctly on the time bar (see Ensure spatiotemporal parameters are defined).
(Optional) Name EMG channels appropriately
If you want to display EMG reference data in your Nexus Insight report (contained in the channels in the C3D file), you have ensured that the channels are named so that Nexus Insight recognizes them as including EMG data. For this to happen, when imported into Nexus Insight, the names must include the string
, or end in.v
. Normally, Nexus automatically makes the required additions to the names. For example, the following output name (RQuad) for EMG1 from the sample data, is valid, as the whole name is imported into Nexus Insight as RQuad.EMG1.If the EMG is analog, Nexus adds Voltage to the beginning of the name.
If the EMG is digital, Nexus appends .v so the name in the example would be RQuad.v or RQuad.EMG.
If the names don’t already contain one of these strings, you can add them in either of these ways:Before you record the trial, add one of the above strings to the channel names (for example RGastroc_EMG), and save the system file so the channels are named correctly before you begin recording. This avoids having to adjust each trial’s EMG names individually.
When loading the relevant trial in Nexus. This method involves manually changing the names of each of the affected channels to include one of the above strings. For more information on making the changes in Nexus, see Configure EMG devices in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
For further information on displaying EMG reference data in a Nexus Insight report, see Visualize EMG reference data.
(Optional) Ensure spatiotemporal parameters are defined
If you want to display spatiotemporal parameters in Nexus Insight, you must first have defined them in Nexus or ProCalc and saved the resulting C3D file.
For example, to define gait cycle parameters or to calculate the gait deviation index (GDI) in Nexus:
Ensure Nexus is in Offline mode.
In the Pipeline Tools panel, expand the Data Processing section and double-click either Calculate Gait Cycle Parameters or Calculate Gait Deviation Index to add the operation to the current pipeline.
Run the pipeline on the data that you want to display in Nexus Insight.
Note: Your data must contain cycle events (such as gait cycle events) for Nexus to be able to calculate the parameters.Save the C3D file.
Check that the gait cycle parameters or gait deviation index parameters are stored under the Analysis Outputs node.
When you view this trial in a Nexus Insight report, the spatiotemporal parameters are displayed.
If a Foot Strike event is not found in the C3D file, the Cycle Start event is used for event visualization. If neither event is present in the C3D file, the data is not normalized into event cycles.
(Optional) Check that reference video is in the required format
(Optional) If reference video is required, you have saved the video data in MP4 format using H264 encoding.