Create a Nexus Insight report
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  • Create a Nexus Insight report

    Nexus Insight report templates determine which graphs and graph settings are displayed in a report.

    Nexus Insight comes with default templates that you can select and use without modification (see About the standard Nexus Insight report templates). You can also create your own templates (see Create a Nexus Insight report template).

    The following steps describe how to create a report using one of the supplied templates.

    If you want Nexus Insight to display spatiotemporal information such as gait cycle events for a trial, make sure you have defined the events in Nexus or ProCalc and saved the resulting C3D file. For details, see Ensure spatiotemporal parameters are defined.

    To create a report in Nexus Insight, using a supplied template:

    1. If you want to add images to your report, before you begin, ensure you have copied the required image(s) to the appropriate folder (see Add images to a Nexus Insight report).

    2. Start Nexus Insight and make sure you have opened the required working directory (see Select the Nexus Insight working directory).

    3. In Nexus Insight, choose one or more trials by selecting the relevant check box(es) to the left of the trial name.
      If you have added images to the report folder, also select the required image(s).

      Tip: If, instead of creating a report, you want to view all the graphs that can be displayed for a trial, select only that single trial.

    4. At the top of the window, click Create Report.

    5. At the top of the window, in the Report name field, enter the report name.

    6. If you want to change the default location (the current folder), under Save location, click Change and in the hierarchy displayed below, navigate to the required folder and click Select.

      Note: You can only save reports within the currently opened Vicon directory. If you want to save the report in a folder higher up in the hierarchy than the current Vicon directory, first change the Vicon directory (see Select the Nexus Insight working directory).

    7. From the Report template list, select the appropriate template. Nexus Insight comes with these templates:

      • Gait template (default)

      • Cutting template (football)

      • Hitting template (baseball)

      • No template (single trial only) – enables you to view all graphs that are included in the trial

      For more information on each template, see About the standard Nexus Insight report templates.

    8. If you want to add reference (normative) data to your report, select it from the Reference data list. For more information, see Import and visualize reference data.
      Tip: Ensure your reference data is saved as a Microsoft Excel file in the correct location (create it if it doesn’t exist):

    9. When you've finished specifying the name, location, template and, if required, the reference data, and are ready to create the report, click Create.
      The report is saved to the location specified in Step 6 (the default is the current folder).
      If you'd like to display different graphs and graph settings, you can change the template by clicking Edit and selecting a different option from the Report template menu. (If you haven’t made any changes that you want to keep, click OK when warned that you are about to change the base template.)

    For more information on the options available when you create a report, see the following topics:


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