New features in Nexus Insight 1.1
  • Ready for review
  • New features in Nexus Insight 1.1

    The following new features are available in Nexus Insight 1.1:

    Create and edit templates

    You can now export the customizations you’ve added to a report (such as graph types, line widths and colors) as a Nexus Insight report template (JSON file) from within Nexus Insight. To select this option:

    • Open the relevant report and click Export.

    For more information, see Create a Nexus Insight report template in the Nexus Insight User Guide).

    Locate the standard templates in Nexus Insight 1.1

    When you install the latest version of Nexus Insight, the standard templates are installed in the following default location if no templates of the same name are found there. Templates named template-cutting.json, template-gait.json or template-hitting.json in this location are not replaced:


    To act as a backup for the standard templates, they are also installed in the following location:

    C:\Program Files\Vicon\NexusInsight\DefaultTemplates

    If you modify the templates in the first location, you can always retrieve the original, un-modified templates from the second location if necessary.

    Change graph line appearance

    In Nexus Insight 1.1, you can change the following attributes of graph lines:

    • Line colors. To make it easier to differentiate between graphs or to use branding colors, etc, you can change the colors to suit your particular usage.

    • Line width. To improve graph readability and emphasize specific graphs, you can now adjust the graph line width.

    For more information, see Customize a Nexus Insight report in the Nexus Insight User Guide.

    Change playback speed

    You can change the playback speed while playing back a video and/or 3D visualization.

    • Playback speed. During playback, you can now change the playback speed to any of the available settings.

    Note that playback speed is a temporary view setting for the current report. When you change this setting, the playback speed for all layouts / views within the current report are changed. When you reopen the report or open another report, playback speed returns to the default (1x) speed. For more information, see Change playback speed in the Nexus Insight User Guide.

    Add notes and images to reports

    You can now add the following additional information to your reports:

    • Notes to suit your particular application (see Customize a Nexus Insight report in the Nexus Insight User Guide)

    • Images, such as logos, etc (see Add images to a Nexus Insight report in the Nexus Insight User Guide)

    Add video overlay to 3D visualization

    To make it easier to interpret movement and biomechanical data in 3D visualizations, you can now display a video overlay on top of a 3D visualization (see Display a video overlay in the 3D player in the Nexus Insight User Guide).

    Normalize to custom cycle events

    Nexus Insight 1.1 enables you to normalize to custom cycle events, so that you can normalize to events that have a name other than ‘footstrike’.

    For more information, see About the Nexus Insight time bar, Ensure spatiotemporal parameters are defined in Nexus and X-axis normalization in the Nexus Insight User Guide.

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