Customize a Nexus Insight report
To customize a Nexus Insight report, open the relevant report in any of the ways described in Open a Nexus Insight report and select Edit:
In the Edit report dialog, you can make the following changes to a report:
When you try to open a layout shortcut that you created before you edited the relevant report, Nexus Insight may display a warning about not being able to open the layout shortcut. For information, see Understand Nexus Insight warning messages.
Add notes
When you add plain text notes to a report, a Notes section is displayed above the other sections in the Nexus Insight report window.
To add notes a report:
Open the report and at the top right, select Edit.
In the Edit report dialog, add your text (plain text only) in the Notes field.
When you click Save, a Notes section is displayed above the other sections. As with the other sections, you can click the heading to expand the section and display the contents.
Note: All the notes that you add are included in any Word export.
Add reference data
You can add reference (normative) data to a report both when you create a report (see Step 8 of Create a Nexus Insight report) and when you edit an existing report (see Import and visualize reference data).
Select a different report template
To select a template that is differerent from the one currently used by a report:
Open the report and at the top right, select Edit.
In the Edit report dialog, from the Report template field, select the required template.
When you select a new template (created in Nexus Insight 1.1 or later), any changes you made in Graph selection, X axis, Line colors or Line width are overwritten.
Templates created in versions of Nexus Insight earlier than 1.1 do not contain color or line width information so this information is not overwritten if you select an earlier template.
You are warned that selecting a new template will overwrite the current one and remove any layout shortcuts. If you click OK, the new template’s name is displayed in the Edit report dialog but is not yet applied to the report.If required, you can restore the original template later, although this will not restore any shortcuts you created.
If you want to create a new template, so it contains different information from the original template, see Create a Nexus Insight report template.If you are happy to proceed, click OK.
To apply your changes (which will remove any layout shortcuts and other changes listed in Step 2), click Save.
Change the graph selection
The default graph selection is for all graphs to be displayed. To select the graphs that are displayed for the currently opened report:
Open a report and at the top right, select Edit.
In the Edit report dialog, under Graph selection, expand the required graph type and select or clear the relevant check box(es).
When you have finished selecting the graphs you want and made any other required changes, click Save.
Change the X-axis display
For all graphs, you can switch between a time (s) or cycle (%) based X-axis display.
To change the X-axis display:
Open the relevant report and at the top right, select Edit.
In the Edit report dialog, under X axis, select the required option:
Cycle (%) The X-axis is normalized to one event cycle (eg, gait). See also X-axis normalization.
Time (s) The X-axis displays time in seconds for the trial.
When you have selected the relevant option and made any other required changes, click Save.
Change graph line colors
You can specify line color for left, right, neutral and reference lines, using RGB, HSL or hexadecimal color codes (eg, #FF5733) in a color picker.
Any customized line colors are displayed in the Nexus Insight graphs, in the corresponding sticks in 3D visualizations, and in files exported to Word.
You can also specify line color in a report template. For more information, see Create a Nexus Insight report template and Edit a Nexus Insight template JSON file (chartConfig section).
To change line colors:
Open a report and at the top right, select Edit.
In the Edit report dialog, under Line colors, click the color for the line type that you want to change: Left, Right, Neutral or Reference.
When you have finished selecting the colors you want and made any other required changes, click Save.
Change graph line widths
Line width in points can be specified for active and inactive gait cycles. Active gait cycles are gait cycles that are highlighted, for example when you hover over the legend, or to show the current gait cycle when you use playback, and usually have a thicker line.
Customized widths are used in both the Nexus Insight graph visualization and in files exported to Word.
You can also specify line width in a report template. For more information, see Edit a Nexus Insight template JSON file (chartConfig section).
To change line widths:
Open a report and at the top right, select Edit.
In the Edit report dialog, under Line width, click the option for the line type that you want to change: Active gait cycle or Inactive gait cycle.
When you have finished selecting the line widths you want and made any other required changes, click Save.