Understand Nexus Insight warning messages
  • Ready for review
  • Understand Nexus Insight warning messages

    Nexus Insight alerts you to possible issues with the data as follows:

    Warning message



    Warning message



    Can't open layout shortcut, saved items are not in the current report. You may want to use Edit Report or create a new layout shortcut.

    You’ve tried to open a layout shortcut that you created before you edited a report but Nexus Insight can’t open any of the layout items. This may occur when:

    • You have changed X-axis normalization settings after creating a layout shortcut with graphs only.


    • You have cleared all items in the layout under Graph selection

    Try these possible solutions:



    Report has no data for charts.

    No data was found in the JSON files for the trial or no JSON files were found.

    Check that the relevant report template is:

    • In the correct location

    • Not corrupted or empty

    To restore the supplied templates, see Maintain and restore the standard templates.

    No data for time: data was found in the report, but no time-series were found (it could be that there is cycle data).

    The X-axis was changed to time (s) in a report with trials that don’t have time data.

    If the trial(s) contain events but no time data, change the X-axis to Cycle % (see Change the X-axis display).

    No data for cycles: data was found in the report, but no cycle data was found (it could be that there is time-series data).

    The X axis was changed to Cycle (%) in a report with trials that don't contain events.

    No template fit: data was found in the report, but when trying to apply the chart template, no resulting charts were generated (e.g. error in template, data not matching template, etc).

    You provided an empty template or a template with invalid names, for example, by modifying the template in the .report.insight file and then reopening the report.


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