Work with Nexus Insight graphs
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  • Work with Nexus Insight graphs

    When you've created a report (see Create a Nexus Insight report), you can view all data and media within it. This includes synchronized playback of video(s), 3D visualization (see Play back video and 3D visualization in Nexus Insight) and graphs.

    In Nexus Insight you can visualize graphs for:

    • Kinematics

    • Moments

    • Powers

    • Forces

    • EMG: raw or root mean square (rms)

    • Trajectories

    Nexus Insight report templates dictate which graphs and graph settings are displayed in a report.

    • To view all the graphs that you can display for a particular trial, see View all graphs for a trial.

    • To change which graphs are shown and the way in which they're displayed, you can select a different report template or change the options for displaying the graphs (see Customize a Nexus Insight report) and, if none of the standard (supplied) templates contain the required display options, you can create your own template (see Create a Nexus Insight report template).

    • To change the the graphs for an open report, click Edit (top right). In the Edit report dialog, you can change options such as line colors and widths, as well as which graphs are shown and what is displayed along the x-axis. For more information, see Customize a Nexus Insight report.

    • For information on how to interact with the graphs that are displayed in Nexus Insight, see Mouse and keyboard actions for graphs.

    X-axis normalization

    In a report, when you select Cycle (%) (see Change the x-axis display), the x-axis is normalized to one event cycle. For example, for left side gait data, it starts at a left foot strike. For right side data, it starts at a right foot strike.

    For this to work, cycle events must have been defined in the original trial (see Ensure spatiotemporal parameters are defined).

    If a Foot Strike event is not found in the C3D file, the Cycle Start event is used for event visualization. If neither event is present in the C3D file, the data is not normalized into event cycles. 

    If no cycle events are defined, when you select the Cycle (%) option, Nexus Insight displays a message that warns you that no cycle events are defined.


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