View all graphs for a trial
To view all the graphs that you can display for a particular trial, follow the procedure in Create a Nexus Insight report but make these changes:
When selecting trials for a report, select only a single trial.
When you choose a template, select No template (single trial only)
When viewing data, note the following differences when you use the No template option:
What is affected? | With 'No template' option | With report template |
Averaging | If a trial has multiple cycles, each cycle has a separate line. | If a trial has multiple cycles, the graphs are shown as mean (line) and SD (shaded area) over all cycles within the trial. |
Left / right | Separate graphs are displayed for the left and right side. | Left and right side are displayed together in one graph. |
For all graphs, you can select Edit in a report to switch between a time (s) or cycle (%) based X-axis (on the left of the window). For more information see X-axis normalization.