Add images to a Nexus Insight report
With Nexus Insight, you can add images such as logos or illustrations representative of the included trials to your reports.
To add images to a Nexus Insight report:
Ensure the image you want to include is in a valid format: JPEG, JPG, PNG or WebP.
Copy the required image(s) to the relevant folder within the current working directory. For example, to add an image to a Gait report, add the image to the default folder location:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Nexus Insight example data\Example dataset\GaitIn Nexus Insight, select the trials and image(s) you want to include in the report and click Create report.
In the next screen, the selected image is listed (and shown as selected), together with the trials.
Make any other changes necessary, for example to the location or reference data and then click Create.
In the report, an extra group named Images is displayed below the other groups.
To display the names of any images that you included, expand Images.
To display an included image, click its name.
You can include images in a split layout (see Configure Nexus Insight layouts).