Rename a Nexus Insight report template
  • Ready for review
  • Rename a Nexus Insight report template

    Renaming a report template involves the following steps and always includes editing the relevant JSON file.

    To rename a report template:

    1. In Windows File Explorer, navigate to:

    2. If you want to preserve the original template, copy the relevant JSON file before continuing.

    3. Right-click the JSON file and rename it.

    4. Open the JSON file for the renamed template in your preferred text editor and change its ID (see the description for id).
      Important: Each template in Nexus Insight must have an ID that is unique within the Templates folder. (Valid input is ASCII and Unicode, up to 100 characters.)

    5. To enable you to easily identify the new template in the Report template menu in Nexus Insight, also change the label of the copied template.

    6. Make any other required changes (for descriptions of the settings you can change, see Edit a Nexus Insight template JSON file).

    7. Save the template, keeping it in the same folder.

    To apply your new template to a report:

    • In Nexus Insight, open the required report, click Edit and in the Report template list, select the new template.


      For further details, see Select a different report template.



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