Maintain and restore the standard templates
  • Ready for review
  • Maintain and restore the standard templates

    When you install the latest version of Nexus Insight, the standard templates (JSON files) are installed if no templates of the same name are found in the following default location. Any templates named template-cutting.json, template-gait.json or template-hitting.json in this location are not replaced:


    To act as a backup for the standard templates, they are also installed in the following location:

    C:\Program Files\Vicon\NexusInsight\DefaultTemplates

    If you modify the templates in the first location, you can always retrieve the original, un-modified templates from the second location if necessary.

    Rename and preserve earlier templates

    If you have installed the latest version of Nexus Insight, you can find the most recent version of the standard templates here:

    C:\Program Files\Vicon\NexusInsight\DefaultTemplates

    If you want to use one of the default templates (Gait, Cutting or Hitting template) for a new report and have made changes to the template in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\NexusInsight\Templates (the default folder for templates used in Nexus Insight), you will need to replace it by copying the relevant template from the DefaultTemplates folder. However, if you want to keep the changes that you have made to the earlier version of the template, you must first rename this template, to avoid overwriting it.

    To replace an earlier, modified template with the latest version:

    1. To preserve any changes you have made to a template in the Templates folder, rename the JSON file of the changed template in Windows File Explorer.

    2. Open the template in your text editor and give it a unique ID and label (for details, see Rename a Nexus Insight report template).

    3. Copy the required template(s) from:
      C:\Program Files\Vicon\NexusInsight\DefaultTemplates
      When you create a report, you can now select either the earlier, renamed template or the latest version.


    When you open a report that uses an earlier template, Nexus Insight displays a message similar to the following:

    If preferred, you can ignore the message and continue to use the outdated template.


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