Create a Nexus Insight report template
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  • Create a Nexus Insight report template

    In addition to using the report templates that are supplied with Nexus Insight (see About the standard Nexus Insight report templates), you can create your own report templates. Creating your own templates enables you to control options such as reference data, which categories (eg, kinematics) are included in the report templates, the variables within them (eg, knee angles) and their specific components (eg, flexion-extension). In Nexus Insight 1.1 and later, you can also control the colors and line widths used in report templates.

    To create a template that contains specific colors and/or line widths, you must create the template in Nexus Insight 1.1 or later.

    Templates created in versions of Nexus Insight earlier than 1.1 do not contain information about colors or line widths. If you edit a report to replace a more recent template with a template earlier than 1.1, the current template’s color and line width information is retained.

    You can create a Nexus Insight report template in these ways:

    • In Nexus Insight (this is the most convenient and recommended method), export the settings from a report as a template (JSON file) to create a new template (see Create a template by exporting report settings). This method enables you to specify:

      • The template’s unique identifier (ID)—this is the same as the name you provide

      • The name of the template that is displayed in Nexus Insight

      • Reference data (if required)

      • Whether the X-axis is time-based or cycle-based

      • Graph line widths and colors

      • The graphs to display (including categories, variables and components of each graph)

    • In Windows File Explorer, copy and rename an existing template. You then use your preferred text editor to edit the JSON file for the new template (see Create a template by copying an existing template). This method enables you to specify:

      • The template’s unique identifier (ID)—this can be any valid string you provide

      • The name of the template that is displayed in Nexus Insight

      • The template’s version number

      • Whether the X-axis is time-based or cycle-based

      • Graph line widths and colors

      • The graphs to display (including categories, variables and components of each graph)

      • Titles of graphs

      • Y-axis limits

      • Whether moments and powers are normalized by body weight

    For information on locating (and if necessary, restoring) the standard templates (JSON files), see Maintain and restore the standard templates.


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