Create a template by exporting report settings
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  • Create a template by exporting report settings

    You can create a Nexus Insight report template in these ways:

    • In Nexus Insight (the recommended method), export the settings from a report as a template (JSON file) to create a new template (see the following information).

    • In Windows File Explorer, copy and rename an existing template. You then use your preferred text editor to edit the JSON file for the new template (see Create a template by copying an existing template).

    For information on locating (and if necessary, restoring) the standard templates (JSON files), see Maintain and restore the standard templates.

    Create a report template from within Nexus Insight

    1. In Nexus Insight, open a report on which you want to base your new template. This can be one of the following:

      • To create a new template from scratch, open a report based on the No template (single trial only) template.
        Note: You can't add reference data to this type of report so if you need to include reference data in a report based on No template, see Create a No template report with reference data.

      • To base your new template on an existing template, open a report based on the required template (Gait, Cutting, or Hitting, or your own template that you saved previously).
        For information on which models work with each of the standard templates, see About the standard Nexus Insight report templates.

    2. Ensure you have made any changes required to the report (see Customize a Nexus Insight report). You can make these changes in Edit report:

      • Notes

      • Reference data

      • Categories (such as kinematics), variables (such as knee angles) and their specific components (such as, flexion-extension)

      • X-axis (cycle- or time-based)

      • Graph line colors

      • Graph line widths

    3. At the top of the report, select Export.

    4. In the Export dialog, select Report template (JSON) and then click Export.

    5. Save the template into the default folder (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\NexusInsight\Templates), giving the template a new name.

    To apply your new template to a report, open the required report, click Edit and in the Report template list, select the new template. For further details, see Select a different report template.

    If you need to make changes to the new template that aren’t listed in Step 2, you must edit the relevant JSON file. For more information, see Edit a Nexus Insight template JSON file.

    Create a No template report with reference data

    As you can’t include reference data in a report directly based on No template, you must create a second template that enables you to include the required data.

    1. Create a report based on No template and export the report settings as a template (follow the steps in Create a report template from within Nexus Insight).

    2. Create a second report, using the template you exported in Step 1, but this time, select the required reference data.

    3. Export the settings of this report as a template.

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