Getting started with Vicon Evoke

Getting started with Vicon Evoke

About Vicon Evoke

Evoke is the Vicon software used to control Vicon's Origin system, designed for use in the Location-Based VR market. Origin system hardware components include:

  • Vicon Beacon wireless synchronization unit. The primary hardware synchronization unit for both the cameras (wired) and the Pulsar active marker clusters (wireless).
  • Vicon Pulsar active marker clusters. Synchronized active tracking objects with eight infrared LEDs that can be configured in unique patterns to enable tracking by the Evoke software.
  • Vicon Viper cameras. Provide powerful and flexible motion tracking, specifically designed for LBVR applications.

For the relevant safety and regulatory information, see the Vicon LBE system safety and regulatory information.

About this guide

This guide briefly describes how to set up and use Evoke for real-time tracking and character solving.

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