Get to know Evoke

Get to know Evoke

The Evoke user interface guides you through common tasks.

By default, the following panels are displayed as tabs on the left of the Evoke window:

System panel: Enables you to set up and manage the components of your Vicon system.
For more information, see Prepare your Vicon Evoke system.

Camera Calibration panel: View and select options relating to calibrating the cameras. For more information, see Calibrate cameras.

Tracking Setup panel: Create and modify (add/remove markers) objects whose motion data you want to track. For more information, see Work with smart objects and Work with basic objects.

By default, the following panels are displayed in the center of the Evoke window:

Workspace: Set up the way you want to visualize capture data from one or more cameras. For more information, see View system data.

Log : View messages about the current status of your Vicon system. A new log is written each time you start Evoke. New entries recorded during the current session are appended at the bottom of the log. You can copy all or part of the information in the log and save it to an external file, such as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) or plain text (.txt) file.

By default, the following panels are displayed as tabs on the right of the Evoke window:

Tracking panel: Import and view listed subjects whose motion data you want to track, and modify their properties. You can also load and and save tracking configurations. For more information, see Work with smart objects, Work with basic objects, Work with scene meshes, and Manage your tracking configuration.

System Health Report panel: Enables you to monitor the health of your system. For more information, see Understand the System Health Report.

At the top of the Evoke window, the menu bar provides access to the Evoke menus and settings:

Menu bar : Exit Evoke; undo/redo; open and close panels; set preferences, show hot keys and Vicon Control authorizations; and view help, software version, and licensing information. Also enables you to view, change and save system settings and window layouts (View settings). In addition, Evoke displays information that indicates the currently selected mode, such as Video Preview or Masking, etc.

To display the following panels, from the View menu, select the required option:

  • Capture panel: Enables you to save captures for future review. For more information, see Capture data.
  • Connections panel: Enables you to view any connected clients, and to view settings for Vicon DataStream output.
  • Processing panel: Enables you to view and change system-wide settings for object tracking, camera healing, performance tuning, and more. For more information, see Processing parameters in the Vicon Evoke Reference Guide.
  • Review panel: Enables you to review data from previous captures. For more information, see Review captures.

When you are familiar with the Evoke user interface, you can customize Evoke to look and behave as you want (see Customize views and layouts and Optional setup).

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