Graph Plots terminology
Graph Plots terminology
The following definitions are used to explain creating and using graph plots.
Term | Definition |
Active channel | A channel that is either selected or pinned |
Channel | A stream of data that can be added to a graph plot |
Channel cache | The amount of channel data stored either in memory or disk. The Cache Memory Limit (see Preferences parameters in the Vicon Evoke Reference Guide) controls the threshold when data is to be written to disk. |
Channel source |
A selection that provides one or more data channels and includes:
Channel type |
A channel source may provide multiple data streams of different types, which may be selected from the dropdown menu on the Graph Plots toolbar |
Component | One part of a channel data value |
Dependent channel | A channel that is only available with a channel source selected (eg, object position) |
Frame number | A number that increments sequentially for each frame of system data received |
Gap | A time period of missing channel data (eg, because tracking was interrupted) |
Independent channel | A channel that is available without a channel source being selected (eg, DataStream Output Latency) |
Live mode | A mode that displays data from the connected live system |
Pinning | This locks a channel on a graph plot even if the channel source is de-selected |
Review mode | A mode that displays data from the selected review clip |
Sample | A set of channel component values, taken at a single point in time |
Sample number | A number that increments sequentially for each channel sample received. Channels are sampled at the system frame rate, so the sample number is equal to the frame number. |
Subplot | A subdivision of the graph plot containing one or more traces of the same type |
Trace | The visual representation of a single component of a channel data stream on the graph plot |
, multiple selections available,