Change Environmental Drift Tolerance
When the distance between between a centroid and the projection of the corresponding 3D point (model point or unlabeled reconstruction) is too high, the centroid is not associated with that point.
In situations where the true calibration has drifted since the camera calibration process was last run, these distances will become too large and consequently the centroid connectivity score for multiple cameras may start to drop.
To enable the system to tolerate larger than usual image errors and enable those centroids to be associated with the 3D points, and thus contribute to the tracking:
- In the Processing panel, go to the Reconstruction section and change the Environmental Drift Tolerance.
Environmental Drift Tolerance applies to the formation of unlabeled reconstructions (which are used to boot objects) and is an uncertainty applied (in mm) to camera calibration to tolerate drift in the calibration due to environmental factors such as temperature change.
When unlabeled reconstructions appear to be noisy, with multiple "ghost" reconstructions appearing close to the true 3D point, centroids that should be associated with the same 3D point may not be associated and thus multiple reconstructions are formed.
In this case, increase the Environmental Drift Tolerance until the ghost reconstructions disappear, ie, all the centroids are correctly associated with a single reconstruction.