Attach IMU sensors to a subject

Attach IMU sensors to a subject

The method you use to attach the sensors to your subject depends on the type of movement you want to collect.

  • To collect the movement of a subject's limbs, you can attach the sensors using the supplied straps.
  • To collect the movement of other parts of the anatomy (for example, where movement of the vertebrae is of interest), you can attach sensors directly, using suitable tape.

If you would like to assign a name to each sensor before placing it on your subject, see Manage sensor names.

For information on strap sizes and prices, visit the Blue Trident web page on the Vicon website, select Buy Now and then select Straps.

To attach sensors to a subject using the supplied straps:

  1. Insert each sensor into its strap with the IMU symbol facing outwards.


  2. Attach the straps to the subject, ensuring that:
    1. The strap sits snugly against the limb.
    2. The sensor is oriented with the top (head) pointing in the same direction as the movement of the subject.
    3. The flashing LED is at the top of the strap.

      The following example shows a strap attached so that the sensor sits directly on the medial aspect of the tibia, just above the medial malleolus:

To attach sensors to a subject where straps are not used:

  1. Position the sensor on the subject, depending on the required sensor orientation.


  2. Secure the sensors using your preferred type of tape (for example, hypoallergenic, double-sided, micropore surgical tape).

If you plan to collect global angles, after the sensors are attached to a subject, allow a few seconds for onboard calibration to initiate before starting the movement that is to be collected.

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