Download with a single click
When you have captured trials in To Sensor mode, you can download your data with a single click to a location and format you have previously chosen. You first set the required download options in the Settings tab, and then go to the Process tab and click the Download option for the required trial(s).
To specify the options for one-click download:
On the Settings tab, set the data export options, which will be used for one-click download. These include the Save To location and the file format options for data export (e.g. X1D and CSV).
To change the file type to download, select from:- CSV: The default setting
- Aligned outputs:
- X1D For importing captured To Sensor trials into Vicon Nexus. The X1D file consists of .imu and .system files, and is imported into Nexus.
- CSV Exports synchronized sensor data as a CSV file, so that you can directly compare your IMU axes. For example, the Low g (16-g) accelerometer, which captures at 1125 Hz, is synchronized and aligned to the High g (200-g) accelerometer, which captures at 1600 Hz. The CSV file has the filename suffix _aligned.
- Output Rate The rate to which exported CSV data is aligned. Select Output Rate and enter a number between 25 and 3200 Hz. If you don't select the Output Rate, the data is aligned to the highest capture rate (ie, High g acceleration), so all data aligns to 1600 Hz.
The output rate applies to both the aligned CSV and X1D file to align all data to this rate.
For more information on setting the output rate, see Export aligned data at a specified rate.
To select one-click download for data export:
On the Process tab, select the Download option for each capture To Sensor session.
The aligned data is generated in a CSV file with the filename suffix _aligned. If you selected X1D, an X1D file is generated (consisting of .imu and .system files, which are imported into Nexus).
Subsequent exports from this session are exported using the options you chose on the Settings tab.
When you use one-click download, you can't trim the data. If you need to trim the data, use the Edit & download option.
When you select Edit & download, the settings information is populated into the Preview pane.