The Nexus toolbar contains the following controls . For information on how to change the standard toolbar, see Customize Toolbar dialog box:
Saves the current data for subjects enabled in the Subjects Resources pane to the .c3d file for the current trial.Close
Closes the current trial and clears data. You are prompted to save any unsaved changed before closing the current trial.Undo
Undoes the last action. This command is available only after a relevant action has been performed. Hover the mouse pointer over the Undo button to display a tooltip identifying the action to be undone. Some actions, such as reconstructing data, cannot be undone.Redo
Reinstates the previously undone action. This command is available only after an Undo command has been performed. Hover the mouse pointer over the Redo button to display a tooltip identifying the action to be redone. Any action that was undone can be redone.Reconstruct Reconstruction section), which control the same functionality for realtime.
Runs the Reconstruct pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. For information on Reconstruct settings, see the equivalent Local Vicon System settings (Reconstruct and Label Reconstruction section). For information on Label settings, see the equivalent Local Vicon System settings (Labeling section), which control the same functionality for realtime.
Runs the Reconstruct and Label pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. For information on Reconstruct settings, see the equivalent Local Vicon System settings (KinFit
Runs the Kinematic Fit pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane.AutoInitialize Subject calibration operations.
Runs the Auto Initialize Labeling pipeline, which consists of the Autolabel Static, Scale Subject VSK, and Static Skeleton Calibration - Markers-only pipeline operations.. For more information, seeAuto Gap Fill Fill Gap & Filter Data operations). This enables you to quickly fill all gaps in your trial, without having to choose which fill method is best for each gap.
Runs the Auto Intelligent Gap Fill pipeline, which consists of Nexus gap-filling operations (seeAdd To Quick Report Quick Reports.
Adds the current trial to a Quick Report. For more information, seeView Type list
Create or manage the layouts specified in the View pane using the View Type list at the top of the pane.
The view type includes the layout of view panes as well as any cameras, hardware devices, and subject elements that were selected in the System Resources pane or the Subjects Resources pane when the view type was saved.
For example, if you save a view type with all cameras selected and a Camera view specified for each, the next time you select that view type, all of the cameras are automatically selected and displayed in separate Camera views.
If you save a view type with a Graph view showing the EMG channels, when you next select this view type, the correct EMG device is selected.
If you save a view type with a Graph view showing the distance between two specific markers, when you next select this view type, these two markers are selected.
Customize Toolbar dialog box
You can add, remove, and customize buttons on the Nexus toolbar using the Customize Toolbar dialog box.
To access this dialog box:
- On the Window menu, click Toolbar.
The toolbar settings are saved in the appropriate configuration file: the default Nexus toolbar is stored in the Shared configuration folder; if customized, the toolbar is saved in a Private configuration folder and loaded the next time you start Vicon Nexus.
The Save, Undo, and Redo buttons always appear on the Nexus toolbar in their default positions on the left of the toolbar; you cannot customize these buttons.
You can add new buttons to run a specified pipeline, load a previously created View Option configuration, or display a View Type configuration. For each button, you can define a tooltip, associate an icon, and associate a text string. You can group related buttons together on the toolbar with separators or reposition buttons along the toolbar.
Add or change toolbar buttons
To add or change a toolbar button in the Customize Toolbar dialog box:
- Click Add Button. A new button entry is added to the bottom of the Toolbar Buttons list and is highlighted and selected. Alternatively, select an existing toolbar button.
- In the Button Properties area, configure the following information for the selected button:
- Caption: The label to be displayed on the button.
- Icon: The icon to be displayed for the button. Select an available icon from the drop-down list.
- Tooltip: The text to be displayed to indicate the operation to be executed when the button is pressed.
- Select the check box for one of the following actions to be taken when the button is pressed:
- Load View Options: Apply the specified view options settings. Select a previously created View Option configuration from the drop-down list. If you have not created any configurations, this check box is not selectable and this list is empty.
- Load View Type: Apply the specified view type. Select a previously created View Type configuration from the drop-down list. If you have not created any configurations, this check box is not selectable and this list is empty.
- Run Pipeline: Run the specified pipeline. Select a pipeline file supplied with Nexus or a previously created custom pipeline from the drop-down list.
- Click Apply to preview the button on the Nexus toolbar. If you are not happy with the result, change the button details in the Customize Toolbar dialog box and preview the changes again.
- Repeat steps 1-4 for each button you want to add to the Nexus toolbar.
- Click OK to save the customized toolbar and close the dialog box.
Change a button's position on the toolbar
To change the position of a toolbar button in the Customize Toolbar dialog box:
- In the Toolbar Buttons list, select the entry for the button whose position you want to change.
Button entries in this list from top to bottom correspond to the button positions on the toolbar from left to right. - Change the button's position on the toolbar using the buttons:
- Move Up: Move the selected button up one position in the list, that is, left one position on the toolbar.
- Move Down: Move the selected button down one position in the list, that is, right one position on the toolbar.
- Click Apply to preview the changed button location on the Nexus toolbar. If you are not happy with the result, change the position again in the Customize Toolbar dialog box and preview the position again.
- Click OK to save the customized toolbar and close the dialog box.
Nexus executes any customized buttons in the following order:
1) View Option
2) View Type
3) Pipeline
Vicon recommends that you lay out your custom toolbar buttons in this order to avoid the potential for losing unsaved changes if you press multiple buttons before saving a configuration.
Group related buttons with separators
To group related buttons together on the toolbar in the Customize Toolbar dialog box:
- Click Add Separator. A new separator entry is added to the bottom of the Toolbar Buttons list and is highlighted and selected.
- Change the separator's position on the toolbar using the buttons:
- Move Up: Move the selected separator up one position in the list, that is, left one position on the toolbar.
- Move Down: Move the selected separator down one position in the list, that is, right one position on the toolbar.
- Repeat steps 1–2 for each separator you want to add between buttons on the Nexus toolbar.
- Click OK to save the customized toolbar and close the dialog box.
Remove a button or separator from the toolbar
To remove a toolbar button or separator in the Customize Toolbar dialog box:
- In the Toolbar Buttons list, select the entry for the button or separator you want to remove from the toolbar.
- Click Remove.
- In the displayed confirmation dialog box, click Remove Item. The entry is removed from the list and button or separator is removed from the toolbar.
- Click OK to save the customized toolbar and close the dialog box.
If you want to discard any changes you have made in the Customize Toolbar dialog box, click Cancel.
Nexus displays a warning message for you to confirm that you want to lose any changes you have made.
If you want to reload the default Nexus toolbar, click Reset.
Nexus displays a warning message asking you to confirm that you want to discard any customizations you have previously saved.