View pane
The View pane enables you to visualize data from one or more cameras in real time or from a saved file.
You can visualize the system components or subjects selected in the Resources pane, or the results of processing performed in the Tools pane during any stage of the Nexus motion capture workflow.
By default, the View pane is in the center of the Nexus window. You cannot detach or change the position of this pane, but you can open a separate floating view workspace.
You view and manipulate the type of data you specified for display in the view pane below the toolbar. By default, a single view pane is displayed. You can display multiple view panes, and specify the same or different view in each. You can manually resize each view pane.
You can control the way data is visualized in the view panes, for example, by changing the display options for force plate, in the Options dialog box (press F7).
View panes contain the following controls:
- View pane toolbar Select the view to use, manage any display options for the selected view, and specify the number and arrangement of views displayed in the toolbar at the top of the view pane. The lists and buttons on the View pane toolbar that are available from all types of view panes are described below.
- View list
- Select the views to be displayed from the View list:
- 3D Perspective view Reconstructed motion capture data from all active Vicon cameras in 3D (three-dimensional) perspective, that is length, width, and depth.
- 3D Orthogonal view Motion capture data in 3D perspective viewed from a specified point of sight, or direction, of the capture volume.
- Camera view Raw 2D motion capture data from an individual Vicon camera or a supported digital video camera.
- Graph view Various values of one or more selected items (such as the x, y, and z components of a marker trajectory) plotted against each other or against time.
- Subject viewer The base pose for the labeling skeleton template (VST) of the currently selected subject. Also facilitates manual labeling.
- Standard buttons
Specify the number and arrangement of view panes displayed in the workspace using the following buttons:
- Horizontal Split the current view horizontally into two view panes.
- Vertical Split the current view vertically into two view panes.
- Close Close the current view pane. (You cannot close the default View pane in the center of the Nexus window.)
- Time bar You manipulate offline trial data using the time bar.