Add parameters to a labeling skeleton template (optional step)
Add parameters to a labeling skeleton template (optional step)
If required, you can add parameters to a labeling skeleton template to enable you to specify the physical measurements of your subject(s) (such as height, weight, and limb lengths).
When you add subject parameters to a template, you can specify their default measurements and status (ie, optional or required). Note that the VST does not use these parameters for autolabeling, so their status refers to your own requirements, whether they are for reference or for your biomechanical model.
If parameters have been specified for a group of subjects, you can search for a particular parameter using the search functionality on the Data Management tab.
If parameters have been specified for a group of subjects, you can search for a particular parameter using the search functionality on the Data Management tab.
You add parameters to a labeling skeleton template in the Properties section in Nexus.
To add parameters to a labeling skeleton template:
- In the Subjects Resources tree, ensure that the subject you created earlier is the only subject selected.
- In the Properties section at the bottom of the pane, click the Add Parameter button.
- In the Add Subject Parameter dialog box, enter the following:
- Name: Enter a name for the parameter. Do not use spaces. If you prefix the name with Right or Left (for example, LeftLegLength), it appears in the corresponding section (Left, Right, or if unspecified, General) in the Properties pane.
- Required: If this parameter is required for the labeling skeleton, select the check box; if the measurement is optional, clear the check box.
- Unit: Select the units of measurement (mm, deg, kg, etc.). If you are entering a parameter for which no suitable units are displayed (eg, Age), select None.
- Value: Enter the parameter value that is initially displayed and can be edited after the subject has been measured. You can leave this field blank if preferred.
- Default: Enter a measurement that can be selected if no other measurement is entered. You can leave this field blank if preferred.
- Click Add. The parameter is displayed under the General, Right, or Left sections, depending on the name you gave it. Required parameters are highlighted in pink until you supply a value for them; optional parameters (like HeadCirc in the following example), are not highlighted.
- Continue adding parameters until you have specified all the parameters needed for your template.
You can now create the skeletal structure for your template.
, multiple selections available,