About the Vicon Nexus user interface

About the Vicon Nexus user interface

The Vicon Nexus user interface includes the following components:

  • Resources pane: Enables you to manage the components of your Vicon system and the subjects whose motion is to be captured.
  • View pane: Enables you to set up the way you want to view the capture data from one or more cameras (or supported third-party devices), either live in real time or from file for post-processing.
  • Tools pane: Enables you to manage each step of the motion capture workflow through preparation, acquisition, and review.
  • Communications pane: Enables you to run customized workflows, monitor trials, work with data from Vicon IMUs, work with MATLAB, check system status and view log information.
  • Menu bar: Enables you to access common commands from the current workflow stage.
  • Toolbar: Enables you to access frequently used commands from the current workflow stage.

For introductory information about the Nexus user interface, see Introducing Vicon Nexus in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.

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