Run the Advanced Gait Workflow
- After attaching markers, have the subject enter the volume.
On the Data Management tab, click the File Transfer/Batch Processing Interface icon
.- Click the Biomechanics Workflow icon.
- From the dropdown list, select AGW Lower Body.
The steps are displayed in the Biomechanics Workflow area:
Complete the steps as described in the following sections.
Step 1: AGW Static
This step calibrates the subject's labeling skeleton and OCST segments from a static trial.
- Have the subject stand in the motorbike pose and click on the first step, which is labeled Static. When selected, the play icon is positioned at that step, as shown in the previous illustration.
- To initiate the capture, click Start.
The AGW Static trial type is loaded automatically. It is set to capture a 1-second trial and run the AGW Static pipeline after the capture is complete. The outcome is a calibrated labeling skeleton and calibrated OCST Pelvis, RFemur, LFemur, RTibia, and LTibia segments. Review the subject in the 3D Perspective view to make sure the results are acceptable.
The OCST local segment axes are displayed on the subject as well as written to the subject's OCST Bones node, in the Model Outputs node.If the results look incorrect, check the Log tab for any error messages.
- If the results are acceptable, click Accept to move on to the next step or to repeat the current step, click Reject.
When you click Accept, the current offline trial is automatically saved, which updates the subject's .mp file with the calibrated data.
Step 2: AGW RHip
This step calibrates the right SCoRE hip joint center.
To make the subject's skeleton joint data available to the range monitors, set the Processing Output Level property of Local Vicon System to Kinematic Fit.
- Prepare the subject to perform a star-arc movement pattern for the right hip.
- To initiate the capture, click Start.
The AGW RHip trial type and the AGW RHip range monitor are loaded automatically. The trial type starts the capture automatically, but you must stop the capture after the hip joint has moved about all three axes through the acceptable ranges.Tip: The axes correspond to the labeling skeleton's segment definitions, where RHip X is flexion/extension, RHip Y is internal/external rotation, and RHip Z is abduction/adduction. The range values defined within the monitors serve as examples, but can be modified to suit your application needs.
When the joint ranges have been satisfied, stop the capture manually.
The AGW RHip pipeline runs automatically and the outcome is a calibrated right SCoRE hip joint center. The hip joint center appears in the 3D Perspective view as a virtual point and is added to the subject's Modeled Markers node in the Model Outputs node.- Review the virtual point location and the Log tab for errors.
- If the results are acceptable, click Accept to move on to the next step or to repeat the current step, click Reject.
When you click Accept the current offline trial is automatically saved, which updates the subject's .mp file with the calibrated data.
Step 3: AGW LHip
This step calibrates the left SCoRE hip joint center.
- Prepare the subject to perform a star-arc movement pattern for the left hip.
- Follow the same procedure as that of the right hip, but note that the AGW LHip trial type and the AGW LHip range monitor are automatically loaded.
Step 4: AGW RKnee
This step calibrates the right knee SARA flexion axis.
- Prepare the subject to perform a knee flexion movement pattern for the right knee.
- To begin capturing, click Start.The AGW RKnee trial type and the AGW RKnee range monitor are loaded automatically. The trial type starts the capture automatically, but you must stop the capture after the knee joint has moved about its flexion axis through the acceptable range.
- When the joint range has been satisfied, stop the capture manually.
The AGW RKnee pipeline runs automatically and the outcome is a calibrated right SARA knee flexion axis. The SCoRE knee joint center appears in the 3D Perspective view as a virtual point and is added to the subject's Modeled Markers node in the Model Output node. Because the knee joint range of motion is primarily about its flexion axis, the SCoRE joint center location is not as accurate as that of the hip. In this case, the knee joint center serves more appropriately as an endpoint of the knee flexion axis vector.
The SARA knee flexion axis appears in the 3D Perspective view as the opposite endpoint of a vector formed along with the SCoRE knee joint center. The joint axis line appears in the 3D Perspective view. The anatomical knee joint center estimation is expected to be defined by more conventional means, such as Plug-in Gait. - Review the virtual point location and check the Log tab for any errors.
- If the results are acceptable, click Accept to move on to the next step, or to repeat the current step, click Reject. When you click Accept, the current offline trial is automatically saved, which updates the subject's .mp file with the calibrated data.
Step 5: AGW LKnee
This step calibrates the left knee SARA flexion axis.
- Prepare the subject to perform a knee flexion movement pattern for the left knee.
- Follow the same procedure as that for the right hip, but note that the AGW LKnee trial type and the AGW LKnee range monitor are automatically loaded.
Step 6: AGW Process
This step captures and processes a dynamic trial.
- Prepare the subject to perform the dynamic activity.
- Because the SCoRE and SARA calibrations are complete and there is not a range monitor associated with the dynamic capture step, at this stage, if desired, you can switch the Processing Output Level of Local Vicon System back to Labels.
- To begin the capture, click Start.
The AGW Process trial type is loaded and the capture starts automatically. - When the trial activity is complete, stop the capture.
The AGW Process pipeline is run automatically and the outcome is a reconstructed and labeled trial that includes the processed SCoRE hip joint centers and the SARA knee flexion axes.
As in the calibration steps, these calculations are represented in the 3D Perspective view as well as in the subject's Modeled Markers node.