Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) certification
For United States of America customers (FCC)
For Standalone SAR exclusion consideration, when SAR Exclusion Threshold requirement in KDB 447498 is satisfied, standalone SAR evaluation for general population exposure conditions by measurement or numerical simulation is not required. At 2405 MHz, effective isotropically radiated power of the wearable LED cluster is 4.3 mW, and for the Beacon 5 mW effective radiated power, which will be less than the SAR Exclusion Threshold (96.72 mW). For further information, please see clause 4.3 of KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance.
This device has been granted authorization to be used in the United States for all equipment exhibiting DMR-VICP1 and DMR-VICMSU1.
For Canadian customers (ISED)
SAR evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or bystander and the antenna and/or radiating element of the device is less than or equal to 20 cm, except when the device operates at or below the applicable output power level (adjusted for tune-up tolerance) for the specified separation distance. At 2405 MHz, equivalent isotropically radiated power of the wearable device is 4.3 mW, which will be less than the SAR Exclusion Threshold at distances of between ≥5 and ≤ 10 mm of 4-7 mW. The minimum distance between the cluster aerial and the underside is 6.69 mm. The Beacon minimum safety distance is calculated as 10.4 mm. For further information, please see clause 2.5.1 of RSS-102 Issue 5 March 2015.
These devices have been granted authorization to be used in Canada for all equipment exhibiting 11323A-VICP1 and 11323A-VICMSU1.
Une évaluation du débit d'absorption spécifique (DAS) est nécessaire si la distance qui sépare l’utilisateur de l’observateur et l’antenne de l’élément rayonnant de l’appareil est inférieure ou égale à 20 cm, sauf si l’appareil respecte le niveau de puissance de sortie ou y est inférieur (et qu’il est adapté pour des raisons de tolérance) pour une distance de sécurité spécifique. À 2405 MHz, la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente du dispositif portable est de 4,3 mW, ce qui est inférieur au seuil d’exclusion du DAS pour une distance comprise entre ≥ 5 et ≤ 10 mm pour 4 à 7 mW. La distance minimum entre le faisceau aérien et la face cachée est de 6,69 mm. La distance de sécurité minimale de la balise est 10,4 mm. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter la section 2.5.1 du CNR-102 du 5 mars 2015.
Tous les appareils présentant un 11323A-VICP1 et un 11323A-VICMSU1 sont autorisés au Canada.
For European Union customers (RED)
Minimum safe distance for RF exposure, based on the Reference Levels for General Public exposure of EU Council Recommendation (1999/519/EC) of 12 July 1999, on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electro-magnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) was calculated for the wearable device as:
Frequency (MHz) | EIRP (dBm) | Limit (W/m2) | Min. safe distance (m) |
2480 | 6.8 | 10 | 0.0062 |