New features in Vicon Shogun 1.10

New features in Vicon Shogun 1.10

This page covers the new features in this release of Shogun.

Shogun Live 1.10 new features

These new features are introduced in Shogun Live 1.10.

Object Alignment Tool

A new alignment tool in Shogun Live makes it easier to align props. You can align a prop's axes to global axes, a single marker or the center of a group of markers.

For information on how to use the new alignment tool, see Move props and Understand the alignment tool in Getting started with Vicon Shogun.

Shogun Live support for Windows 11

Shogun Live 1.10 includes the same level of support for Windows 11 as is included for Windows 10, enabling you to benefit from the advances made in the latest version of the Windows operating system.

Shogun Post 1.10 new features

These new features are introduced in Shogun Post 1.10.

MetaHuman integration

You can now quickly set up retargets to MetaHuman skeletons using scripts included in Shogun 1.10. This reduces the setup time by eliminating the need to perform repetitive tasks such as setting up the hierarchy, specifying DOFs, and posing the target skeleton.

For more information see Automate retargeting to MetaHuman in Getting started with Vicon Shogun.

Process data using the same settings as the MCP file

In Shogun Post, you can now reprocess data (MCP) using the same settings used during capture. This is particularly useful if:

  • Your captured data has dropped frames.
  • You want to use offline processing to produce better data.
  • You have an improved camera or subject calibration that you want to use for reprocessing.

To enable Post to use the settings in the MCP file, you can either:

  • Use a new command, useProcessingSettingsFromMCP, which also enables you to batch process files that may have different settings without having to worry about which files have which settings.


  • Select a check box in the Processing panel.

Shogun Post support for Windows 11

Shogun Post 1.10 includes the same level of support for Windows 11 as is included for Windows 10, enabling you to benefit from the advances made in the latest version of the Windows operating system.

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