Load mocap data files into Shogun Post

Load mocap data files into Shogun Post

Shogun Live can record processed real-time data (.mcp files) along with raw 2D camera data (.x2d files). You can use .mcp files as a starting point for processing in Shogun Post. Because the frame rate during real time can vary, .mcp files may contain missing (dropped) frames. When you open an .mcp in Shogun Post, if dropped frames are detected, a dialog box prompts you to confirm whether you want to reprocess the .mcp. The fixing operation requires an .x2d with the same name as the .mcp file to exist in the same folder.

  1. To load mocap data files (.mcp that contains everything captured in Shogun Live, or .vdf saved in Shogun Post) you can:

    • Open Windows Explorer, locate the files you saved and drag and drop them into the Shogun Post view pane; or
    • On the the File menu, select Open and locate your files; or
    • In the Data Management panel, locate the required file icon (an .mcp has a purple icon) and double-click it.

    Although the recommended workflow is to load an .mcp file (processed real-time data), you can instead import an .x2d (raw 2D data), but in this case, you must run reconstruct, label, and occlusion-fixing operations before proceeding with any required cleanup.

    If you chose an .mcp file and if dropped frames are detected, a dialog box informs you of the percentage of dropped frames in the file and asks whether you want to reprocess to fix them.

  2. To automatically reprocess the file to fix the dropped frames, select Yes.

    The.mcp file is opened into the scene and the entire take is reprocessed.

    The dropped frames are reconstructed, labeled and solved, smoothly integrating data from the related .x2d file into the existing data.

    (If you select No, processing is quicker as Shogun Post just interpolates between the dropped frames, but note that no keys are created and you will still need to fix the dropped frames.)

  3. You can now decide if you want to save the scene.

Fast MCP reprocessing

With Shogun 1.4 and later, you can use the following fast and easy ways to remove dropped frames from .mcp files in Shogun Post. This enables you to save time by reprocessing the .mcp files without having to load them into the scene.

Fast MCP reprocessing with HSL

You can use the quickPost command options to perform drop frame fixing directly to .mcp files. For details, see quickPost in the HSL Scripting with Vicon Shogun.

Fast MCP reprocessing with ShogunPostCL

You can also run the quickpost command to reprocess .mcp files directly from ShogunPostCL, for example:

  1. To open ShogunPostCL, navigate to: C:\Program Files\Vicon\ShogunPost#.# and then double-click ShogunPostCL.exe to open the terminal.
  2. In the ShogunPostCL terminal window, enter:

    quickPost processingLevel -readMCP  "C:\\myPath\\myInputFile.mcp"   -writeMCP  "C:\\myPath\\myOutputFile.mcp" ;


    • processingLevel = Any one of: reconstruct, label, solve or retarget (Note that if you specify retarget, the relevant retargeting setup must exist.)

    • The path after -readMCP = The path to the .mcp file on which you want to run drop frame fixing. Ensure that the related .x2d file is located in the same folder.

    • myInputFile.mcp = The name of the .mcp file on which you want to run drop frame fixing

    • The path after -writeMCP = The path to the fully processed output .mcp file

    • myOutputFile.mcp = A name for the fully processed .mcp file

Fast MCP reprocessing in batch mode

If required, you can also fix dropped frames directly on multiple files in batch mode, as follows.

To directly reprocess MCP files in batch mode:

  1. In the Batching panel, set the mode to Post Process.
  2. In the Settings section, ensure Reprocess MCP is selected.

  3. Set the required file path and naming options.
  4. In the Processing panel, set the required processing settings.
  5. In the Batching panel, expand the Files and Procession section, select Add Files and add the required .mcp files to the batch.
  6. Select Start.

    The.mcp files are processed without being loaded into Shogun Post.

    When you load the new .mcp file into Post, it is fully processed, with no dropped frames.

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