Use Vicon ShogunPost SDK interfaces

Use Vicon ShogunPost SDK interfaces

Two kinds of classes are defined in the ViconShogunPostSDK module. Classes like Scene or Offline define interfaces to distinct areas of Shogun Post's functionality. While you can create an instance of one of these interfaces, they can be more easily accessed directly from the Python client.

Example scripts showing how to run operations in Post

To import libraries:

import ViconShogunPostSDK
import ViconShogunPost

To connect to a local copy of Shogun Post:

shogun = ViconShogunPost.ViconShogunPost()

To load a file:

name="path and name of file to be loaded using /"
shogun.LoadFile( name )

To reconstruct a loaded file:

offline = ViconShogunPostSDK.Offline()

To change the color of a marker:

scene = ViconShogunPostSDK.Scene()
objects = ViconShogunPostSDK.ObjectList( scene )
ltoe = objects['LTOE']
ltoe.Color = (100,200,0)

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