Commands by category
From the following lists, you can access Vicon Shogun Post script commands by category.
Data editing commands
Use the commands in this category to edit your mocap data.
Data management (Eclipse) commands
Use the commands in this category to control data management.
Data management commands | |
getEclipseActiveTrial | getSession |
getEclipseAssociatedCalibration | openEclipseDatabase |
getEclipseAssociatedSubjects | refreshEclipse |
getEclipseMarkedTrials | setSession |
Data manipulators commands
Use the commands in this category to work with data.
Data retrieval commands
Use the commands in this category to retrieve data.
Data streaming commands
Use the commands in this category to control data streaming.
Data streaming commands | |
offlineDataProvider | offlineDataProviderOptions |
Disk I/O commands
Use the commands in this category for data input and output.
File handling commands
Use the commands in this category for file handling.
Hardware Control commands
Use the command in this category to help you to work with Vicon hardware.
Interface commands
Use the commands in this category to work with the Shogun user interface.
Labeling commands
Use the commands in this category to work with labeling.
Master/Slave (DBS) commands
Use the commands in this category to enable or disable the DBS (Distributed Batch System) master and/or slave.
Math commands
Use the commands in this category to work with math-related information.
Math commands | |
abs | getAngleTo |
acos | getLength |
asin | getPointClosestTo |
atan | normalize |
calcIntersection | setLength |
cos | sin |
cross | squareRoot |
dot | tan |
fabs |
Namespace commands
Use the commands in this category to work with namespaces.
Namespace commands | |
addNamespace | removeNamespace |
getNamespace | replaceNamespace |
getNamespaces |
NLE (Non-Linear Editor) commands
Use the commands in this category to work with layers and clips.
Parameters commands
Use the commands in this category to work with parameters.
Playback control commands
Use the commands in this category to control playback of mocap data.
Remote control commands
Use the commands in this category to control communications between Shogun and a remote server.
Remote control commands | |
client | sendRemote |
remoteControl | server |
Retargeting commands
Use the commands in this category to control retargeting.
Retargeting commands | |
retarget | setRetargetingMapModeEnabled |
Selection commands
Use the commands in this category to work with selection.
Skeletal solving commands
Use the commands in this category for solving marker data to a skeletal format.
Snap commands
Use the commands in this category to snap markers or nodes to specified locations.
String commands
Use the commands in this category to handle strings in mocap data.
String commands | |
strCompare | strReplace |
strFind | strReverseFind |
strLeft | strRight |
strLength | strTok |
strMid | strTokArray |
Subjects commands
Use the commands in this category to work with subjects.
Subjects commands | |
getCurrentChar | setAutoSwitchCurrentSubject |
getCurrentSubject | setCurrentSubject |
getPropsPath | setPropsPath |
getSubjectsPath | setSubjectsPath |
replaceSubjects |
System commands
Use the commands in this category to interact with the Vicon system and Shogun.
Testing commands
Use the commands in this category for testing purposes.
Testing commands | |
compareModules | testPrint |
compareXMLFiles |
User window commands
Use the commands in this category to manage a Shogun panel (docking window) or a user window.