Shogun Live command line options

Shogun Live command line options

Shogun Live supports the following command line options:

--helpList supported command line options.
--log argSet logging level to one of [Off, Always, Error, Warn, Info, Default, Debug]. The default value is Default.

Setting to Off turns off all logging. Other options enable logging at that level of priority or higher.

For example, at Default level, messages at levels Always, Error, Warn, Info, and Default are logged to file.

Unless the Advanced Options panel is shown from the Log context menu, the Log view in the application always hides messages at levels Default and Debug.

--crash-handler arg

Set the crash handler [omg, quiet, system]. The default value is omg.

omg - Use the OMG Error Reporting tool to send a report to Vicon support (requires internet access)
quiet - Suppress any error dialogs on crash, and save a report to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\ErrorReporting
system - Default Windows handling of crashes

--terminal-port argSpecify a port number for the Live API terminal server (the default is 52800).
--log-dir argSpecify a directory in which to save the log file (overrides default location). The default value is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Shogun1.#\Log
--max-log-files argSet the maximum number of log files to keep. The default value is 20.
--system-ip-addressSet the host IP address to use for the Vicon system. The default value is
--no-version-promptSuppress prompt to update if not running the latest application version. This may be useful when running as a headless service.
--no-splashDo not show the splash screen.
--agent-host-ip=<host IP>Where host IP is the IP address of the machine. Used to extract a subnet for harvesting network interfaces when setting up multi-machine Shogun processing. For details, see Run Shogun processing on multiple machines.

Example usage:

> C:\Program Files\Vicon\ShogunLive1.13\ShogunLive.exe --log Info --log-dir C:\tmp\ShogunLiveLogs

> C:\Program Files\Vicon\ShogunLive1.13\ShogunLive.exe --agent-host-ip=

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