Create a subject

Create a subject

After you've attached the markers to the performer(s) (see Place markers on a performer), you can create a subject to represent the performer in Shogun Live, and then calibrate it.

Before you begin

Before calibrating a subject, complete the following steps and checks:

Place and pose your performer

Get your performer to enter the volume and stand in an A-Pose (see the following example).

Shogun Live indicates when a subject is in an A-pose and enables you to click Accept A-Pose to assist in the calibration.

Always start the calibration by accepting the A-pose. This loads the subject into Shogun Live and automatically assigns the correct labels to the marker reconstructions. Also, the pose chosen as the A-pose is used to enforce some constraints on the subject. Taking these constraints into account as early as possible increases the accuracy of the calibration.

If you have multiple subjects to calibrate, you must calibrate them separately. Have the performers enter the volume one at a time and select the corresponding labeling cluster for the subject you want to calibrate.

Give the clearest view of the subject

To give the clearest view of the subject:

  1. At the top of the 3D View, ensure View Filters is selected.

  2. Under the Volume options, clear Cameras.

  3. In the Subject View Presets section, select Solve.

  4. In the Subjects (Solve) options matrix, in the S column, ensure Skins is selected (in addition to any other options you may want to use). In this example, Markers is selected also.

If you want to set aside a part of your volume for subject calibration (to avoid having to clear the volume each time you have to calibrate or re-calibrate a subject), see Create a subject calibration hotspot in Getting more from Vicon Shogun.

Use offset markers

To help Shogun Live boot the subject and label the subject markers, it is recommended to place the markers on the upper arms and legs in an asymmetrical manner. This offset helps identify the left and right-side of the subject and speeds up the calibration.

Check you have enough processing power

Using high-density marker sets (such as high-fidelity finger marker sets) creates a greater processing demand. This means you may experience dropped frames, especially when using more than one actor.

Ideally, first test the makers set with a single actor on a high-spec, multi-core machine.

To improve processing, you can run reconstruction, labeling, solving and/or retargeting over multiple machines. For information, see Run Shogun processing on multiple machines in Getting more from Vicon Shogun.

Check the marker count of the current selection

The Marker Selection counter enables you to easily check the number of markers currently selected. This is a useful quick check before you start calibrating a subject, as you can see if the required number of markers have all been placed on a subject, or the markers are within their correct marker set (for example, facial markers).

To display the number of selected markers:

  1. In the 3D View, display the View Filters and in the Overlays section, select the Selected Marker Count option.

    At the bottom right of the view pane, the Marker Selection count is displayed. If no markers are currently selected, a zero is displayed.

  2. As you select markers in the view pane, the Marker Selection counter changes to display the number of selected markers.

Check for missing markers

To view missing markers, ensure that Missing Markers is enabled (3D View > View Filters > Data > Missing Markers).

If a marker is completely hidden it turns red and glows.

Create your subject

To create a subject so you can then perform a live subject calibration:

  1. In the Tracking panel, on the Setup tab go to the Subject section and in the Template field, choose the appropriate template for your subject.

    If you're using side waist markers and/or finger markers, choose the templates that include side waist markers and/or fingers (indicated by their names).

    The example in this guide uses the FrontWaist10Fingers template.

  2. In the Skin field, ensure the required mesh is selected. The default mesh is ViconActor. If you can't see this field, display the advanced properties by clicking Advanced parameters at the top right of the Setup tab.

    The selected mesh is used for the solving skeleton.

  3. (Optional) To begin calibrating the subject as soon as you create it, select Calibrate on create.

    (tick) Tip: If you select this option, ensure your performer is in an A-pose when you click Create.

  4. (Optional) If you are tracking multiple subjects, they must be calibrated separately with each subject assigned to their own labeling cluster(s). In Labeling Cluster Selection, choose from the following:

    • All: Any currently unattached labeling clusters are attached to the subject. Select this option if you are only calibrating one subject.

    • Selected: Only the cluster(s) selected at the start of calibration are attached to the subject. Select this option if you need to calibrate multiple subjects.

    • None: No labeling clusters are used for calibration.

  5. In the Subject field, enter a name for the new subject and click Create.

The subject is calibrating and the menu bar, above the workspace, now reads Subject Calibration Active and a flashing red circle is displayed along with the Subject Calibration Feedback panel. For more information and tips on how to calibrate the subject you've just created, see Calibrate a subject.