


Sets the options for offline reconstruction.

The options match those found on the Reconstruction tab of the Processing panel.

Functional area

Data editing

Command syntax


reconstructOptions [-environmentalDriftTolerance float] [-minCamsToStartTrajectory integer] [-minCamsToContinueTraj integer] [-reconMinSeparation float] [-minCentroidRadius float] [-maxCentroidRadius float] [-minReconstructionRadius float] [-maxReconstructionRadius float] [-computeRadius boolean] [-computeRays boolean] [-fitMethod string] [-predMatchFactor float] [-minTrajLength integer] [-pack boolean] [-startupError float] [-predictionError float] [-minVolume vector] [-maxVolume vector] [-numThreads integer] [-reset]




Name Flag arguments Argument type Comments
environmentalDriftTolerance 1 float An uncertainty applied (in mm) to camera calibration to tolerate drift in the calibration after calibration due to environmental factors such as temperature change.
minCamsToStartTrajectory 1 integer Specifies the minimum number of cameras needed to start a trajectory. Valid values range from 2 to the number of cameras on your system. The default value is 2.
minCamsToContinueTraj 1 integer Minimum number of cameras needed to continue a trajectory.
reconMinSeparation 1 float The distance (in mm) between the centers of the reconstructions must be greater then this number to be considered valid reconstructions.
minCentroidRadius 1 float Filters out centroids smaller than the minimum radius (in pixels). The default is 0.0 pixels.
maxCentroidRadius 1 float Filters out centroids larger than the maximum radius (in pixels). The default is 50.0 pixels.
minReconstructionRadius 1 float Reconstructions with a radius less than the minimum reconstruction radius (in mm) are discarded by the reconstructor. The default is 0.0 mm.
maxReconstructionRadius 1 float Reconstructions with a radius greater than the maximum reconstruction radius (in mm) are discarded by the reconstructor. The default is 1000.0 mm.
computeRadius 1 boolean Specifies if the marker radius should be computed and stored on the radius channel
computeRays 1 boolean Specifies if the ray contributions should be computed and stored.
fitMethod 1 string Specifies the fit method used to create trajectories. Options are "2D Tracks",or "3D Predictions".
predMatchFactor 1 float When using the 3D Predictions Trajectory Fitting method, specifies the degree to which a reconstructed point position should be influenced by its predicted location. Can help with smoothing trajectory and minimizing jitter.
minTrajLength 1 integer Specifies the minimum length a trajectory must have (in frames) to be considered valid.
pack 1 boolean Specifies if trajectories should reuse existing markers when created.
startupError 1 float Specifies the amount of allowable trajectory fitting error (in mm/s) when fitting starts. The default is 150.0 mm/s.
predictionError 1 float Specifies allowable amount of prediction error (in mm/s) when trajectory fitting. The default is 150.0 mm/s.
minVolume 1 vector
Specifies one corner of a cube that represents the volume size. Trajectories outside the volume will not be created.
maxVolume 1 vector Specifies one corner of a cube that represents the volume size. Trajectories outside the volume will not be created.
numThreads 1 integer Specifies the number of threads used by the reconstructor. To enable auto selection based on CPU core count, set value to 0.
reset 0 Resets the options to their default values.

Return value



// Set the reconstruction volume size to a 10x10 meter space with a 
// high of 4 meters assuming a Y up volume.
reconstructOptions -minVolume <<-500, 0, -500>>;
reconstructOptions -maxVolume <<500, 400, 500>>;

Additional information

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