Sets the graph view properties. The graphView command provides flexible modes for working with keys and curves in the graph view. All of the options listed for this command are also accessible from the Graph view.
Functional area
Command syntax
graphView [-timeFollow boolean] [-valFollow boolean] [-single boolean] [-zoomValues] [-hideUnselected boolean] [-displayMode string] [-showAllClips boolean] [-selectKeys boolean] [-selectTime boolean] [-boxSelect boolean] [-x boolean] [-y boolean] [-z boolean] [-ws boolean] [-optimize boolean] [-pageTime boolean] [-selectOnPrimaryOnly boolean] [-select boolean] [-showGaps boolean] [-setZoom integer integer] [-paintSelect boolean] |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
timeFollow | 1 | boolean | — | Turn on/off time following; graph view focus follows current time |
valFollow | 1 | boolean | — | Turn on/off value following |
single | 1 | boolean | — | Graphs only the primary selected node items |
zoomValues | 1 | integer | — | Point selection |
hideUnselected | 1 | boolean | — | Show only selected keys on graph curves |
displayMode | 1 | string | — | Switch graph display mode |
showAllClips | 1 | boolean | — | — |
selectKeys | 1 | boolean | — | Use mouse for key selection |
selectTime | 1 | boolean | — | Use mouse for time selection (can be used concurrently with selectKeys) |
boxSelect | 1 | boolean | — | Use box selection if on, otherwise defaults to in/out toggle |
x | 1 | boolean | — | Show/hide X graph components |
y | 1 | boolean | — | Show/hide Y graph components |
z | 1 | boolean | — | Show/hide Z graph components |
ws | 1 | boolean | — | — |
optimize | 1 | boolean | — | — |
pageTime | 1 | boolean | — | — |
selectOnPrimaryOnly | 1 | boolean | — | When selecting keys, will only select the primary selected module |
select | 1 | boolean | — | — |
showGaps | boolean |
Return value
graphView -zoomValues toggle; // This command adjusts the zoom component to center // the selected keyframe values in the Graph view.
Additional information
Related commands
, multiple selections available,