


Reads an integer value from the user's profile. Profile values are identified by their section (sections begin with [section name]) and by the entry (or key) name.

Section groupings allow values to be organized in logical groups. They also allow values with the same name to be differentiated between different groups.

Specifying -file allows the values to be read from a file of the user's choice. The file does not have to have an "ini" extension.

Note that some users use the profile (or other file) as a "global variable" mechanism. While this is still supported, it is not recommended and has been superseded by actual global variables which allow you to have variables that persist between script executions.

For more information, see setGlobalVar (and related commands).

Functional area


Command syntax


getProfileInt "sectionHeader" "entry" defaultValue[-file string]


sectionHeaderstringyesLogical grouping of the value. This will find the line in the profile which looks like [sectionHeader]
entrystringyesThe entry name. This will be the first value on the line followed by an = sign.
defaultValueintegeryesValue to return if a value with the given section and name could not be found, or if there was an error accessing the profile.


NameFlag argumentsArgument typeExclusive toComments
file1stringInputs from another text file. The default is to input from the user's profile (ini file).

Return value



// Store some information in the profile and read it back in
int $value;
// Write 100 to the ini file
writeProfileInt "My Section" "KeyValue" 100;
// Now retrieve it. Return 0 if the value couldn't be found.
$value = `getProfileInt "My Section" "KeyValue" 0`;
print $value;

Additional information

Related commands