Use Auto-Skeleton

Use Auto-Skeleton

Auto-Skeleton (AS) is an alternative to live solving subject calibration, providing you with a way to generate an optimized, controllable, second-solve skeleton.

The way in which you use Auto-Skeleton depends on whether you have already created a VSS (Vicon Solving Setup file) and how much of it you want to keep.

When using Auto-Skeleton, note these points:

  • In these sections, the marker set used is assumed to be one of the standard marker sets that are supplied by Vicon.
  • Auto-Skeleton is compatible with VRA (Vicon Remarkable Actions) and does not affect it.
  • Auto-Skeleton removes all solving parameterization because it's not used by Auto-Skeleton. It sets bone lengths and constraint offsets directly.
  • You can run Auto-Skeleton on an existing setup, for example, one previously calibrated in Live. However, with files earlier than Shogun 1.5, before you use Auto-Skeleton, you may need to replace the existing template by loading the equivalent template from 1.5 or later, if available.

For further hints and tips, see Get the best results from Auto-Skeleton.

If you have no VSS calibration

  1. In Shogun Post, load a ROM or at least a labeled T- or A-pose.
  2. In the Subject Setup panel, click the Solving tab, and then the Actor Setup tab.
  3. Set the current frame to a good T- or A-pose.
  4. Choose a template VSS and skin. If no templates are displayed, ensure the path to the templates is added in the Preferences dialog box.
  5. Ensure Use Auto-Skeleton is selected.

  6. Click the AS Calibrate button.
    The skeleton is scaled and posed,
  7. If necessary, adjust any settings that require refinement (see Adjust Auto-Skeleton results).
  8. Solve and review the motion.
  9. When you're happy with the result, export the VSS.

If you have a VSS and want to use its bone lengths, but calculate new constraint offsets

  1. In Shogun Post, load a ROM or at least a labeled T- or A-pose.
  2. In the Subject Setup panel, click the Solving tab, and then the Actor Setup tab.
  3. Set the current frame to a good T- or A-pose.
  4. in the Subject Setup panel toolbar, click the Import Solving Setup button and load your VSS.

  5. Ensure Use Auto-Skeleton is selected.

  6. To the right of the AS Calibrate button, click the Show options ellipsis (...) and select Use Existing Bone Lengths.

  7. Click the AS Calibrate button.
    In the 3D Scene, the skeleton is posed.
  8. Make any adjustments necessary (see Adjust Auto-Skeleton results).
  9. Solve and review motion.
  10. When you're happy with the result, export the VSS.

If you have a VSS but want to replace itentirely

  1. In Shogun Post, load a ROM or at least a labeled T- or A-pose.
  2. In the Subject Setup panel, click the Solving tab, and then the Actor Setup tab.
  3. In the Subject Setup panel toolbar, click the Remove Solving Setup button to remove the existing setup.

  4. Follow steps 3–9 in If you have no VSS calibration.

Use a VSS created with Auto-Skeleton in Shogun Live

Auto-Skeleton is just an alternative way to create a VSS for an actor. After running Auto-Skeleton, you can export the resulting VSS and use it in Live.

Because Auto-Skeleton removes parameterization, you can't recalibrate the VSS in Shogun Live. If you want to do this, go back to Shogun Post and re-run Auto-Skeleton on a T-pose containing the new marker positions and ensure that the Use Existing Bone Lengths option is selected.

  • Auto-Skeleton is compatible with VRA (Vicon Remarkable Actions) and does not interfere with it.
  • Because solving parameterization is not used by Auto-Skeleton and it sets bone length and constraint offsets directly, Auto-Skeleton removes all solving parameterization.
  • You can run Auto-Skeleton on an existing setup, for example, a setup previously calibrated in Live. However, with files earlier than Shogun 1.5, before you use Auto-Skeleton, you may need to replace the existing template by loading the equivalent template from 1.5 or later, if available.

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