Improvements in Vicon Shogun 1.9
For descriptions of the main improvements in this release of Shogun, see:
Vicon Video Viewer 1.12
The Shogun download bundle includes the latest version of the Vicon Video Viewer.
For more information, see the Vicon Video Viewer documentation.
Shogun Live 1.9 improvements
Shogun Live 1.9 provides a number of improvements to manual mask painting and SDI, in addition to fixing some minor issues.
Mask editing improvements
You can now clear the mask of a camera using a single button.
Review mode
The System and Tracking panels now show data relevant to the take being reviewed. When you exit review mode, the panels revert to the live devices and subjects.
For more information, see the Shogun 1.9 Release Notes.
Shogun Post 1.9 improvements
Shogun Post 1.9 fixes a number of issues including VSS templates and MCP file imports.
For more information, see the Shogun 1.9 Release Notes.