Choose a marker set

Choose a marker set

Choose a marker set that is appropriate for your requirements. Templates (labeling and solving) for these marker sets are supplied with Shogun:

Marker setDescription
FrontWaistStandard 53-marker set
FrontWaist10FingersStandard marker set plus 10 finger-markers
FrontWaist3FingersStandard marker set plus three finger-markers
FrontWaist5FingersStandard marker set plus five finger-markers
ProductionProduction marker set, which helps with marker occlusion and includes extra markers for the back and top of the shoulders to help with gap-filling and solving
Production10FingersProduction marker set plus 10 finger-markers
Production3FingersProduction marker set plus three finger-markers
Production5FingersProduction marker set plus five finger-markers
SideWaistAlternative standard marker set, which avoids front waist marker occlusion (useful if, for example, the front waist marker is likely to be occluded due to a performer's hands obstructing it or the performer bending forwards)
SideWaist10FingersStandard marker set with side waist markers plus 10 finger-markers
SideWaist3FingersStandard marker set with side waist markers plus three finger-markers
SideWaist5FingersStandard marker set with side waist markers plus five finger-markers

For the most realistic finger animation, the 10 finger-marker set is recommended.

It is assumed that you are using one of Shogun’s default labeling templates. If you are using a different template, contact Vicon Support.

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