Add labeling clusters to the datastore (optional step)
To help Shogun Live in booting the labeling setup and to uniquely identify performers, you can use labeling clusters. Labeling clusters are particularly useful in scenes with multiple performers. |
Place one or more labeling clusters on each performer, with each cluster containing five or more markers. Ensure labeling clusters are unique by varying the position of the markers in each cluster.
Before you can use the labeling clusters for motion capture, you must add them to the Shogun Live datastore, to enable Shogun Live to recognize them.
To create labeling clusters:
- To save clusters, you can either use the default folder (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Clusters), or to change the default location, in the Preferences dialog box (Shift+P), on the User tab, go to the Folders section and on the Labeling Clusters line, enter or browse to the required folder.
- Place the labeling cluster(s) in the volume and ensure all the markers are visible to the cameras.
- In the 3D Scene, ALT+drag to select a minimum of five markers for the new cluster.
In the Tracking panel, ensure the Setup tab is selected and in the Labeling Cluster field, enter a name for the new cluster and then click the adjacent Create button.
A labeling cluster is created from the selected markers and a .vsk file (with the same name as the labeling cluster) is created in the folder specified in Step 1.
Tip: To help you to identify a labeling cluster, in the tree at the top of the Tracking panel, hover the mouse pointer over the cluster's icon. An enlarged view of the cluster is displayed.
- If you need to rename, detach, delete, or export a cluster, at the top of the Tracking panel, right-click the cluster and from the menu, select the required option. To rename you can also double-click the required cluster and then enter the new name.