Creates one or more new modules of a specified type.
Use create to define one or more new objects in your scene. You may use this command to create any of the six object types: Markers, RigidBodies, Characters, BoneNodes, and Solvers. Various attributes of the object can be set at creation, including pre translation and pre rotation values, parent module, and the name of the module(s) to create.
Functional area
Data editing
Command syntax
create moduleType "name1" ["name2"] ...[-addSelect] [-parent string] [-positionOffset vector] [-rotationOffset vector] [-preTranslation vector] [-preRotation vector] [-allClips] [-multiple integer] |
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
moduleName | string | no | String name of the new module |
moduleType | string | yes | Type of module to be created. Valid types are: Marker, RigidBody, Character, BoneNode, and Solver. |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
copy | 0 | — | — | Create copies of all selected objects of the named type. Copies will have same name but no other data in common. |
addSelect | 0 | — | — | Do not reset the selection. Simply adds this new object to the current selection. |
parent | 1 | string | — | Parent the newly created object to the object named here. |
preTranslation | 1 | vector | — | Offset the newly created object by posOffsetVector from its parent. |
preRotation | 1 | vector | — | Offset the newly created object by rotOffsetVector from its parent. |
allClips | 0 | — | — | Add the new module to all clips (default is active clip only) |
positionOffset | 1 | vector | — | Sets the pre translation value - deprecated: use -preTranslation instead |
rotationOffset | 1 | vector | — | Sets the pre rotation value - deprecated: use -preRotation instead |
multiple | integer | — | Creates multiple instances of the object being created. The integer specifies the total number of objects to create. |
Return value
// Create a new object of type Marker having the name "rightThumb" // parent the new Marker to the CharacterNode called Actor_1. create Marker rightThumb -parent Actor_1;
// Create 4 new characters create Character Actor_2 Actor_3 Actor_4 Actor_5;
Additional information
Related commands
, multiple selections available,