Establishes and configures the current manipulator within the 3D views.
The manipulator commands provide a flexible array of options for modifying object properties within the 3D views. For example, by using the options -posTrack
and -orientTrack
, you may establish the manipulator at the center of a group of objects. Subsequent modifications using the manipulator in these cases will take that location as the origin, modifying all members of the selection to together in the same local coordinate system.
Functional area
Command syntax
manipulator [-posManip boolean] [-rotManip boolean] [-scaleManip boolean] [-specialManip boolean] [-posTrack boolean] [-orientTrack boolean] [-snap] [-follow boolean] [-selChangeFollow boolean] [-grid boolean] [-posGridVal integer] [-rotGridVal integer] [-scaleGridVal integer] [-logFeedback boolean] [-size float] [-inc float] [-dec float] [-space string] [-editBasePose boolean] |
Name | Flag arguments | Argument type | Exclusive to | Comments |
posManip | 1 | boolean | rotManip, scaleManip | Show/hide the position manipulator,mutually exclusive with respect to [rotManip] |
rotManip | 1 | boolean | posManip, scaleManip | Show/hide the rotation manipulator,mutually exclusive with respect to [posManip] |
scaleManip | 1 | boolean | posManip, rotManip | Show/hide the scale manipulator, |
specialManip | 1 | boolean | Show/hide the special manipulator, | |
posTrack | 1 | boolean | — | Set/unset any manipulator snapping or following to the center of the selected nodes position |
orientTrack | 1 | boolean | — | Set/unset any manipulator snapping or following to the center of the selected nodes position |
snap | 0 | — | — | Snaps manipulator to selected nodes |
follow | 1 | boolean | — | Set/unset following of current selection |
selChangeFollow | 1 | boolean | — | Set/unset following of current selection and any subsequent selection changes |
grid | 1 | boolean | — | Set/unset manipulator grid snapping |
posGridVal | 1 | integer | — | Set the pos manip grid snapping value |
rotGridVal | 1 | integer | — | Set the rot manip grid snapping value |
scaleGridVal | 1 | integer | — | — |
logFeedback | 1 | boolean | — | Controls whether the feedback should be logged to the log file |
size | 1 | float | inc, dec | Sets the manipulator size, in mm |
inc | 1 | float | size, dec | — |
dec | 1 | float | size, inc | — |
alignEnd | 0 | — | alignWs, alignPole | — |
alignWs | 0 | — | alignEnd, alignPole | — |
alignPole | 0 | — | alignEnd, alignWs | — |
space | 1 | string | — | — |
editBasePose | 1 | boolean | — | — |
Return value
select LFWT LMWT LBWT RFWT RMWT RBWT; manipulator -rotManip on; manipulator -orientTrack on -posTrack on; // These commands select all members of a character's waist, // and prep the manipulator's center of rotation to always // remain in the middle of the selected group, enabling // you to rotate the markers as a unit about their center. // Changing the selection will not change the rotation manipulator, // allowing you to rotate other markers about the average of the // waist markers.
Additional information
Related commands
, multiple selections available,