About the Recording tab

About the Recording tab

Save and play back recordings of trial data, using the controls on the Recording tab.

You will only see the Recording tab if you have the required license. For more information, contact Vicon Support.

The Recording tab contains the following components:

Component Description
Recording section In the Recording section, specify your requirements for recording live trials. When you have finished specifying your requirements, click the Start button to begin recording.

Location Select Private or Shared, depending on your requirements.
Open Folder View the location of the saved files. The default file location depends on whether files are saved as Shared or Private:
  • File type: Private
    File location (English language version): C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Vicon\Tracker3.x\CapturedTrials
  • File type:Shared
    File location (English language version): C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Tracker3.x\CapturedTrials
Note: For each trial recorded, at least three files are saved: .x2d, .system, and .xcp files. In addition, whenever a new calibration is performed, an additional .x2d file, of the format LatestCalibrationyyyymmddnnnnnn.x2d, containing the latest calibration data, is saved in the same location as the .x2d containing the recorded trial data. (This can be useful for data analysis and troubleshooting.) If you are using an analog device to capture data, an .x1d file is also saved.
Trial Name Enter a name for the new trial.
Auto Increment Trial Number When selected, the trial number is automatically appended to the file name.
Permit Overwrite of Existing Files When selected, existing captured trial data in the same folder (see above) is overwritten when the new file is saved.
Show/Hide Parameters Displays or hides additional controls, such as those for remote triggering.
Start/Stop on Remote Trigger When selected, a remote trigger can be used to control capturing start and stop times. The remote device must be connected to your Vicon system.
Capture Before Start (secs) To capture data before the capture start is triggered either manually (by clicking Start) or automatically (based on a remote trigger), select this check box and enter the required number of seconds.
Stop after Duration (secs) To end the trial automatically after a specified number of seconds, select this check box and enter the required number of seconds.
Start/Stop over Network
To make a UDP broadcast to a third-party application that capture has started or stopped, select this check box and from the adjacent drop-down list, select Send or Receive. In the Address list, either select the IP address of the network card that will be used to send or receive the start/stop trigger message, or select All. In the adjacent field, specify the UDP port which is to send or receive the message.
Arm button To set the system to a state where it is ready to accept a trigger for automatic capture based on a signal broadcast over the network from a remote device, click this button. If you want to enable the system to remain ready to receive subsequent network signals after the capture is stopped, click the Lock button to the right of the Arm button.
Playback section In the Playback section, click the Load Trial button to select the trial you want to play back.
Export CSV section
In the Export CSV section, select options to save trial data to a CSV file. For more information, see CSV Export, in What's New in Vicon Tracker.
Before attempting to load a trial, in the Recording section, ensure that the relevant Location setting is selected (Shared or Private), depending the option chosen for the trial you want to load.

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