Set up Vicon cameras

Set up Vicon cameras

To configure Vicon cameras for optical data capture:

  1. From the view pane tool bar, select Camera. The 2D data being captured by each Vicon camera selected in the Resources pane in the System list is shown in a separate Camera view pane.
  2. View your capture volume in either of the following ways:

    • In the Options dialog box, under the General View Options section, select the Target Volume option. In the Camera view pane tool bar, from the View drop-down list, select 3D Overlay. A virtual representation of your target volume is overlaid on the 2D data from the camera image.
    • In the capture volume, place a selection of static markers on the floor to roughly outline your target capture volume.
  3. In the System list in the Resources pane, select the Vicon camera node whose properties you want to configure.
  4. In the Properties pane, view or change settings for the relevant properties.

    When you first set up your Vicon system, you must configure at least the following properties in the order shown in the Properties table below

  5. When you have finished adjusting the Vicon Camera properties, in the Settings area, ensure that Grayscale Mode is set to Auto.
  6. At the top of the System tab, click the Save current configuration button to save your system configuration settings to a .system file in one of the following folders:

    • If you select Shared the file will be saved in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Tracker3.x\Configurations\Systems
    • If you select Private it will be saved in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Vicon\Tracker3.x\Configurations\Systems

Properties table

These properties affect the quality of the motion capture data. Therefore, it is important to optimize them before you collect data intended for later analysis. In subsequent sessions, you may want to configure additional properties to suit the needs of your motion capture application.
Section Property Notes
Identification Name Only needed if you want to distinguish it from the others
Settings Strobe Intensity If adjusting these two settings does not easily enable you to eliminate reflections, create camera masks to eliminate reflections and other unwanted light sources that occur in parts of the capture volume.
Centroid Fitting Threshold
Settings Gain Normally, leave at the default x1 setting, but if the markers seem faint or if the cameras have trouble distinguishing them, adjust this setting as required.
Grayscale Mode Normally, leave at the default Auto setting. However, during focusing, it can be helpful to change this setting to All, then change it back to Auto as soon as the camera is focused.

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