Position the cameras and markers

Position the cameras and markers

With your Vicon system set up, installed and licensed, the first task in setting up your capture space is to position the cameras and markers.

  1. Position your cameras around the capture volume, ensuring that two or more cameras can see every point in the volume in which you intend to capture motion.
  2. Place Vicon retroreflective markers around the floor to outline your capture volume.

    (tick) Tip: You may find it helpful to create an asymmetrical pattern along the perimeter, as shown above, to help orient your view. For example, for a rectangular volume, place a different number of markers at each corner. For an elliptical volume, vary the spacing between markers as you place them around the perimeter.

  3. Place five markers in a cross shape to identify the volume origin.

The next step is to check the positions of the cameras, ensuring that each one gives enough coverage of the volume (see Check the coverage of the capture volume).

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